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View Full Version : Berry Tramel Slobbers All Over AD

11/5/2007, 09:53 AM
Now don't get me wrong,I have a HUGE man-crush on AD but Berry is a LITTLE(?) over the top.Berry says WE ARE SEEING A YOUNG MAN WE HAPPEN TO KNOW VERY WELL MAKE THE CASE FOR BEING THE GREATEST FOOTBALL PLAYER OF ALL TIME.If this was ADs 3rd or 4th year in THE LEAGUE and he had the kind of numbers that he has set so far,I think Tramel could well be right.In fact if Tramel had said we MIGHT be seeing THE GREATEST PLAYER OF ALL TIME emerge I could agree BUT after only 8 games,one half of one season I think Tramel has gone off the deep endand not in his usual negative way.

Unlike when Tramel normally shoots his mouth off(or his word processor) he does have some valid points and FACTS to back up his premature anointing of AD.Peterson IS the first RB to have (2) 200 yard games as a rookie.Hall of Fame RBs Earl Cambell had (5) 200 yard games in his CAREER,Barry Sanders and Jim Brown each had 4.Tomlinson who is a sure-fire HOFer has(4)200 yard games as well.Still while all that is impressive,IT IS WAY TOO EARLY to say AD is the best of all time.

True to form Tramel was able to be negative in this column however.He rhetorically asked: WHO CAN STOP ADRIAN PETERSON?His answer:APPARENTLY ONLY BOB STOOPS AND KEVIN WILSON AND CHUCK LONG.His reasoning?It apparently hinges on his career 5.4 yd/c avg (for 3seasons)at OU is less then his current 6.6 yd/c avg after 8 NFL GAMES.

While I appreciate his ENTHUSIASM for AD and his POTENTIAL,I think he is getting ahead of himself.I also don't appreciate his cheap shot at Bob and staff.I do HAVE to give Berry credit for being consistent,a consistent A$$HOLE.

11/5/2007, 10:32 AM
3/4 of his articles are inakerut. It's GARBAGE! And the editor who lets his articles out (wait, that's himself, actually) is GARBAGE!

11/5/2007, 10:46 AM
As I have said here many times, Tramel is available. He is on campus corner for every game......he talks with anyone who wants to talk to him.

The difference between Tramel and his critics is "he signs his name to his work".

I don't always agree with him but he is a darn good writer and you all are lucky to have him. By the way you don't have to read him.

11/5/2007, 10:51 AM
As I have said here many times, Tramel is available. He is on campus corner for every game......he talks with anyone who wants to talk to him.

The difference between Tramel and his critics is "he signs his name to his work".

I don't always agree with him but he is a darn good writer and you all are lucky to have him. By the way you don't have to read him.
Mr. Tramel, is that you? ;)

The Maestro
11/5/2007, 11:02 AM
I will say after the last few weeks of watching AD I have to wonder how he only gets 70 yards against Boise State. Just sayin' the thought popped in my head.

11/5/2007, 11:03 AM
Mr. Tramel, is that you? ;)
I think it's his Mom. :twinkies:

11/5/2007, 11:10 AM
Boys I realize you are having fun with this and that's what this board is all about anyway......Let me just say this....Tramel is a friend of mine and he is one of the good guys. I probably should not even comment because I am biased. I take both the FW Star-Telegram and Dallas Morning News and neither have a Tramel. I wish they did. Always remember he is paid to make you read not to make you happy about what you read.

11/5/2007, 11:24 AM
Boys I realize you are having fun with this and that's what this board is all about anyway......Always remember he is paid to make you read not to make you happy about what you read.
why does everyone always make that assumption? :rolleyes:

I know who writes his checks, and it's a serious OU donor family. No wonder Aggie lite had such a fuss when it was revealed that Bobby Reid ate his mama's chicken :D

Partial Qualifier
11/5/2007, 11:43 AM
I will say after the last few weeks of watching AD I have to wonder how he only gets 70 yards against Boise State. Just sayin' the thought popped in my head.

It does me to, but 2 things: Have you seen the blocking going on for AD in Minesota?? It's unbelievable. The WHOLE TEAM blocks for him and they're doing an incredible job at it. Also, the NFL teams tend to not sell out to stop the run. They cant get away with that like college teams can because even a relatively bad NFL qb/o-line will make a team pay for selling out like some teams did against us, especially AD's last year at OU. Just sayin.

oh and I like Tramel, I don't always agree with him but he's quality. He knows his stuff. Really the only thing I've ever NOT liked about Tramel was earlier this year when he was expressing some pretty outlandish opinions in his newspaper column, which (imo) was intended to generate more callers to his fledgling radio show. That was pretty bush-league but Tram is one of the better writers in the big 12 coverage area

11/5/2007, 12:33 PM
To get back to my main point,what did you think about his comments concerning AD being THE GREATEST FOOTBALL PLAYER OF ALL TIME?My jab at Tramel is just because I don't like him and think he goes out of his way to take shots at OU.

Animal Mother
11/5/2007, 12:47 PM
I hope no one thinks we should change our opinion of a sports writer because he is friends with someone registered at this board. I don't think Tramel is a good writer and I need to read his articles to have an opinion. Some people can apparently not see movies and not read books, yet they can tell me how said books or movies are going to corrupt my life. Capiche? I've also sent him numerous emails with my name signed to them.

11/5/2007, 02:02 PM
I hope no one thinks we should change our opinion of a sports writer because he is friends with someone registered at this board. I don't think Tramel is a good writer and I need to read his articles to have an opinion. Some people can apparently not see movies and not read books, yet they can tell me how said books or movies are going to corrupt my life. Capiche? I've also sent him numerous emails with my name signed to them.

Dude....You missed the point altogether.....I could care less what you do with your time or what movies you see or what you do with yourself......try to let go of all that anger.....in the meantime have some spek!;)

11/5/2007, 02:19 PM
Maybe Tramel was implying that AD could be the best running back in history.....statistics notwithstanding. Does anyone really think Emmitt Smith was better than Barry Sanders, Jim Brown, Walter Payton and Gayle Sayres just because he had more yards?

I must say that I don't recall seeing an NFL running back outrun NFL defensive backs like that.

11/5/2007, 03:29 PM
Obviously a long way to go, but what he has shown thus far thru 8 games is unparalleled!! This guy will be the best ever IF he stays healthy!!!

11/5/2007, 03:54 PM
Maybe Tramel was implying that AD could be the best running back in history.....statistics notwithstanding. Does anyone really think Emmitt Smith was better than Barry Sanders, Jim Brown, Walter Payton and Gayle Sayres just because he had more yards?

I must say that I don't recall seeing an NFL running back outrun NFL defensive backs like that.
You obviouslyweren't paying attention.He did not imply anything,HE stated that he had just seen the best football player ever.