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View Full Version : Well, waddyaknow, the war is going pretty well these days...

11/2/2007, 06:28 AM
Just wanted to mention it because you're not liable to hear it through any of the usual media channels.

Things are so quiet in the Anbar province, the Marines are itchin' to get out of Iraq entirely and over to Asscrackistan to sort that place out once and for all.

US casualties are now at their lowest rate since the sectarian violence began. Over half of those in October were the result of non-combat accidents.

The Iraqi people seem to be stepping up to give the third-country jihaadist trouble-makers the heave-ho.

Methinks a lot of ant-war types should be eating crow with their turkey this Thanksgiving.

Sooner in Tampa
11/2/2007, 07:10 AM
Here is what the queen of surrender (Pelosi) thinks...

We have a saying here we are standing from a position of great confidence and great bipartisanship on these fights that we are making. The President is not attuned to the majority of the country and the majority of the Congress. So what is he to do? He is the President of the United States. What does he have to show for his presidency? He is the President of the United States already talking about his library. What is he going to have in the library? A tax cut for the wealthiest people in the country at the expense of the middle class and a war without end that is a total failure? So he has to talk about something and he stoops to a level, in my view, that is beneath the dignity of the office that he holds and I don’t want to go there with him.

11/2/2007, 07:11 AM
This is news to me.

Any articles on the inter-webs I could read? :pop:

11/2/2007, 07:33 AM
This is news to me.

Any articles on the inter-webs I could read? :pop:

why soitenly!

Check out this guy. He's on the ground and at the tip of the spear. Most importantly, he has no agenda other than getting the straight scoop to the world. IOW, unlike anti-war politicians, he has not invested, nor does he rely on US defeat, in order to remain relevant.

Problem is, so many pols have some much cred to lose if we win, the stories are being tamped down.

Michael Yon says: "Interest in the war is waning back home, I'm told, which may explain the thinning ranks of reporters over here. Ironically, with fewer reporters here every day, it's even more critical to keep the few sources of news on the ground working."


11/2/2007, 09:31 AM
There is a reason why the leading stories on many news fronts have focused on some melodrama between democratic candidates for the last several months.

Sooner in Tampa
11/2/2007, 10:08 AM
http://www.michaelyon-online.com/Great link Homey...the "Gates of Hell" story is a must read!!!

11/2/2007, 12:12 PM
The Washington Post "buried" this story on the front page.

11/2/2007, 01:05 PM
US casualties are now at their lowest rate since the sectarian violence began. Over half of those in October were the result of non-combat accidents.

The Iraqi people seem to be stepping up to give the third-country jihaadist trouble-makers the heave-ho.

Good news. I must admit that I'm surprised.

Methinks a lot of ant-war types should be eating crow with their turkey this Thanksgiving.

Let's see if it sticks before we go declaring victory ;)

11/2/2007, 01:27 PM
RLIMC enters this thread in 5...4...3...2...1...

11/2/2007, 04:50 PM
While you're waiting for the entrance...I'll say that I'm thrilled any time we have less death and carnage. I daresay almost every other half-sane American feels the same way. Just because some of us are against the war in Iraq doesn't mean we want the death and carnage. Many intelligent, loving, patriotic mothers who have children serving in Iraq don't like what's happening there, and many think it was screwed up from the beginning. You might be surprised that many brave, honorable warriors feel the same way.

And really - isn't the term "anti-war" incorrect? No one actually likes war, do they?

But neither do I think we need to take it as a sign we can roll out more lawn furniture for a longer stay. When the Commandant of the Marine Corps gets to the point where he wants his boys out and redeployed to Afghanistan where they'd do more good, it's a sign that the whole Iraq thing needs to be rethunk.

11/2/2007, 04:55 PM
I think Dan Rather ought to go over there and do an in-depth story.

11/2/2007, 05:22 PM
shoulda sent Rumsey packin early on.

11/2/2007, 06:02 PM
Rummy never should have been the Sec. of Defense to begin with. I'd like to have seen how Colin Powell would've done with the office.

11/2/2007, 06:05 PM
Methinks a lot of ant-war types should be eating crow with their turkey this Thanksgiving.

With my significantly lowered expectations the glass is partly full. Saddam is gone, Iraqis are sort of free, and might embrace some type of democracy-lite. Iraq has even reached out to neighbors to help stabilize the region. If THAT works out I'll gladly have a double-helping of crow.

Afghanistan, Osama B-L, AQ, and the terr'ists should have been the focus all along. None of 'em were in Iraq until we kicked the door open.

Thanks for posting some positive news about the war, Homey. I don't see enough yellow ribbons, care packages, or welcome home events these days. Sad that it seems many of the public are getting fatigued with supporting the troops.

11/2/2007, 06:11 PM
We are there for oil. We aint leaving until we get it. Russia and China and the EU feel the same way. Should be a good time.

Harry Beanbag
11/2/2007, 06:42 PM
Rummy never should have been the Sec. of Defense to begin with.

Which time? and Why?

11/3/2007, 05:26 AM
When the Commandant of the Marine Corps gets to the point where he wants his boys out and redeployed to Afghanistan where they'd do more good, it's a sign that the whole Iraq thing needs to be rethunk.

Or perhaps its a sign "this unwinnable war," also known as a "quagmire" by anti-war weenie-crats, is winnable and we're winning it. ;)

jk the sooner fan
11/3/2007, 07:10 AM
jk2 unit has had some pretty good "catches" and "hauls" within the last couple of weeks

11/3/2007, 09:15 AM
jk2 unit has had some pretty good "catches" and "hauls" within the last couple of weeks

You shush your mouf. We're losing and we're gonna like it...

Good on your boy and his brothers over there. Keep kickin' *** and takin' names.

11/3/2007, 09:31 AM
We'll win because American soldiers have always figured out how to defeat their enemy. My faith in the American GI's ability to improvise, adapt and overcome is boundless. Frankly, it usually takes a while because we always start out fighting the new war just like the last one, but we always manage to get it sorted-out.

Also, eventually, those jihaadist bastages are gonna run out of whackjobs. We need to keep killing bad guys as efficiently, violently and unremorsefully as humanly possible...while avoiding overbearing or abusive treatment of the civilian populace.

And before anyone brings it up, I maintain Vietnam wasn't a battlefield defeat. It was a political defeat, aided and abetted by those in this country who used opposition of that war to gain political power and advantage.

Fortunately for America, this time we aren't drafting anyone, so the folks with hidden agendas lack any basis to leverage American youth and their moms to aid their cause -- because no American kid faces being forced to patrol those mean streets in southwest asia against his will. Ergo, no contemporary widespread campus-based protests/riots/demonstrations a-la the 1960's and early '70's.

11/3/2007, 09:57 AM
We'll win because American soldiers have always figured out how to defeat their enemy. My faith in the American GI's ability to improvise, adapt and overcome is boundless.

Yep. We went in with a military that was designed, from the ground up for the last 60 years, to defeat the Red Army at the Fulda Gap.

They've adopted into a lighter, more mobile, faster, and situationally aware machine