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10/30/2007, 12:05 AM

Sad, surreal scene: The nanny and the coach's wife launch an attack
Posted by jcanzano October 27, 2007 17:41PM

Surreal, sad stuff in the press box at Autzen on Saturday.. as I was working, I was tapped on the shoulder during the fourth quarter of the Oregon-USC game by Colleen Bellotti --- who angrily introduced me to a group of her friends and family, including her son Luke's girlfriend, and a nanny, holding an infant, and a few young children in tow.

Backstory... Colleen approached me several weeks ago in the hallway outside the Ducks' locker room angry about a column I'd written about Cal coach Jeff Tedford and Oregon coach Mike Bellotti.

I didn't write or blog about that at the time. I explained to her in that conversation that I write columns, with opinions, and I don't expect her to agree with everything I write. In fact, I'd worry about her. I told her I appreciated her sharing her opinions, and listened to her, and she stormed off.

This time, during the USC game, Colleen was hissing mad over my column which reported and columnized about the two DUII's her son got, and his plea agreement two weeks ago, and the program's decision to keep his suspension on the downlow... and Colleen said, "You've dragged our family through so much hurt and pain..."

I explained to her how serious and dangerous I think drinking and driving is, and why two DUII's by a college football player at a Top 25 program was fair game for a column.

I wondered if she was deflecting some of her feelings about the DUIIs, even as I don't expect she'd like what I wrote. I also told her I believe two DUIIs by an athlete, and coach's son, are newsworthy to all media outlets, especially considering how her son's double-secret suspension was treated by the same program that publicly suspended other athletes for alcohol-related offenses.

I was disappointed in her approach. Particularly that there were 4-5 children present with her, including the youngest Bellotti son, and I didn't think a working press box was the time or place for a heated discussion, especially given the high emotions and a big game.

She leaned in, grabbed by my suit lapel, and lit into me with a string of expletives, asking me if I have children, and telling me, "This is going to come back on you tenfold." And she threatened to slap me, which was not such a nice example in front of the kiddies.

I told it was poor form that she would approach me in the press box, with a strong smell of alcohol on her breath, hissing and spitting mad, talking to me about alcohol abuse.

Then, the nanny, still holding the toddler, unleashed a foul-mouthed tirade.

"Nice nanny," I said.

The nanny then stepped up, kid still in her arms, and launched another barrage of insults, laced with profanity. I mean, you don't mess with religion, the military and nannies, apparently.

During Colleen's rant, David Williford, Oregon's sports information director, called a security guard and positioned him near my seat in the press box. I didn't ask for that, but it allowed me to work. Williford also spoke with Colleen, and later, Williford told a New York Times reporter that her tirade was "certainly uncalled for" and "crossed the line."

Williford did his best, and reacted professionally to a strange situation. Still, there was a second small brush with Colleen near the elevator in which she stormed past me, and asked, "You got something to say to me?!?!"

I said, "Are you going to slap me or not?"

She walked off, and said, "I'm a better person than you."

She may be right. Or wrong.

I'll agree, she's got better hair.

I have tremendous empathy for the people whose families deal with alcohol abuse, and victims of accidents involving alcohol. And I write about lots of sensitive/difficult topics, involving public figures and column subjects. In part, it's my job. I write what I see. I report. I have opinions, as columnists do. I can understand how Colleen would be upset, offended, even angry. All understandable. I get that.

I stand by the columns I've written. I won't filter. Or be intimidated. Sorry, that's not my style. I'll continue to write columns, same as always, even if it means I'm going to make subjects uncomfortable at times. And I'll write positive, uplifting columns, same as always, when the material is there, too.

Read if you lilke. Don't if you don't.

What went down in the press box wasn't a good, or productive, scene, though. It was surreal.... but mostly it was sad. This isn't the first time I've been confronted by a reader or column subject who was upset at my opinions in a column, (and it won't be the last). It was just the first time I've had it happen during the game, and the first time I've had it be a coach's wife.... and nanny.

Someone get the nanny a bar of soap.

10/30/2007, 12:12 AM
Well, you know why they got divorced don't ya?

Opposites attract, and they are to damned alike.

10/30/2007, 12:35 AM
[hairGel] I’m not going to talk about football today. I’m not going to take a question about the game. I’m going to talk about this article right here. Anybody hasn’t read this article — I don’t read it, but it was brought to me by a mother with children. Think this is worth reading.

I want to talk about this article. Three-fourths of this is inaccurate. It’s fiction and this article embarrasses me to be involved with athletics tremendously. That article had to have been written by a person that doesn’t have a child and has never had a child that’s had their heart broken and come home upset! And had to deal with the child when he is upset! And kick a person when he’s down!

Here’s all that kid did! He goes to class. He is respectful to the media! He’s respectful to the public! And he’s a good kid, and he’s not a professional athlete and he doesn’t deserve to be kicked when he’s down.

If you have a child someday, you’ll understand how it feels. But you obviously don’t have a child. I do. If your child goes down the street and somebody makes fun of him because he dropped a pass in a pickup game, or says he’s fat, and he comes home crying to his mom, you’d understand. But you haven’t had that.

Someday you will and when your child comes home, you’ll understand. If you want to go after an athlete — one of my athletes — you go after one who doesn’t do the right things! You don’t downgrade him because he does everything right and may not play as well on Saturday! And you let us make that decision!

That’s why I don’t read the newspaper! Because it’s garbage! And the editor who let it come out is garbage! Attacking an amateur athlete doing everything right! And then you want to write articles about guys who don’t do things right and downgrade them, the ones that do make plays.

Are you kidding me? Where are we at in society today? Come after me! I’m a man! I’m 40! I’m not a kid! Write something about me! Or the coaches. Don’t write a kid that does everything right, that’s heart is broken, and then say the coaches say he was scared! That ain’t true! And then to say that we made that decision because Donovan Woods, because he threatened to transfer! That’s not true!

So get your facts straight! And I hope someday you have a child and somebody downgrades them and belittles them and you have to look them in the eye and say, “You know what? It’s OK. They are supposed to be mature adults but they’re really not.” Who’s the kid here? Who’s the kid here? Are you kidding me? That’s all I’ve got to say. It makes me want to puke. [hairGel]

10/30/2007, 12:39 AM
The nanny then stepped up, kid still in her arms, and launched another barrage of insults, laced with profanity. I mean, you don't mess with religion, the military and nannies, apparently.

Ok. That line was funny. Most of us won't have nannies. But that was funny!

10/30/2007, 12:54 AM
Ohh and :pop:

10/30/2007, 08:00 AM
Normally, someone would have to go to a bowling alley to meet someone of your stature.


10/30/2007, 08:10 AM
this is the same writer that 'broke' the story for some 'replay official' getting death threats and the rest of the country ran with it. while at the time, it may have been a genius way to deflect the real issue at hand, now according to some UO fans, this guy has now lost all his credibility.

funny how perception can change. :pop:

10/30/2007, 08:13 AM
What makes you think I didn't actually make deat threats.........


Desert Sapper
10/30/2007, 08:21 AM
I'm amazed at how quickly people can get divorced in Oregon.

I also now know why they kept talking about miking her up during the game. She was loud and annoying in the game, but this...


10/30/2007, 08:34 AM
That's Inakrut!

10/30/2007, 08:51 AM
th91 pretty much stole the thunder, but something tells me that writer isn't a mother of children.

10/30/2007, 08:57 AM
So the Bellottis are drunks. hic Big Deal!

Partial Qualifier
10/30/2007, 08:58 AM
I liked how he slipped in the part about how she had alcohol on her breff.

10/30/2007, 09:07 AM
I love this "During Colleen's rant, David Williford, Oregon's sports information director, called a security guard and positioned him near my seat in the press box. I didn't ask for that, but it allowed me to work." Man, what a bad *** journalist.

Landthief 1972
10/30/2007, 09:28 AM
The Oregoons are cracking me up. Most of that west coast trash would have thrown a punch at that lush if she had gotten in their face. Now all the sudden they're indignant. "Leave our coach's alcoholic ex-wife and sailor-swearing nanny alone!"

Seriously, letting out a barrage of cuss words in front of a bunch of kids? Good grief.

10/30/2007, 10:13 AM
1) What do you expect: Most women from Oregon are crazy

2) If you live in Oregon, you are either crazy, or you are drunk.

Desert Sapper
10/30/2007, 10:37 AM
Does she go to the games for her ex-husband or her son? Or both? And why? And are they really divorced or are they re-married? God, it feels like a soap opera. Thank God I'm a Sooner.

10/30/2007, 10:30 PM
They got divorced?

How selfish ;)

10/30/2007, 10:41 PM
Were any of her children eating chicken at the time?

10/30/2007, 10:42 PM
What's a DUII?

10/30/2007, 10:43 PM
A happier time for the Bellotti family:
So basically, they are a happy family when the team has a good quarterback. This picture was post-BCS bowl with Joey Harrington carrying the Ducks (the last time Nebbish was good - 2001). Crazy ex-Bellotti must now be back cheering for the Ducks because they have a good QB again :D

Leroy Lizard
10/31/2007, 02:41 AM
Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants

10/31/2007, 02:47 AM
I told it was poor form that she would approach me in the press box, with a strong smell of alcohol on her breath, hissing and spitting mad, talking to me about alcohol abuse.

That's funny!

10/31/2007, 05:19 AM
Reporting the incident is bad form IMO.

He and other reporters need to report the sports.

Digging up stuff on people is wrong.

If you don't have anything positive to say about someone...your best keeping it to yourself.

If a College Player gets a DUI report it.

If a Coach's Wife gets ****ed at you and goes off....call her Husband and talk about it.

Dragging a bad scene into the media pages is revengeful and any Editor that promotes reporting like that ought to be held responsible.

Hopefully Belotti's Son will get some help and if his Wife has a drinking problem...hopefully someone in the Family will intervene and help her to get it together.

It all sounds pretty sad to me for a Div 1A School to have those kind of allegations go unresponded too.

10/31/2007, 06:57 AM
What did he dig up? She came after him. And he didn't report any of it until it happened a second time. She opened the door for this crap when she approached him in the manner she did. If she had done this in a proper manner then I could agree that he should keep it under wraps.

Animal Mother
10/31/2007, 04:23 PM

Your comments are “in a perfect world” context, correct? The guy is in a press box for crying out loud! He knows the level at which reporters function, so his story about the wife was pre-emptive. It was going to be reported by EVERYONE within ear shot. He wanted to get the “scoop”. Bellotti’s son’s arrest? As far as I’m concerned, he has a full ride to a state school, his activities breaking the law fall under the Freedom of Information Act. It needs to be publicly examined when he’s not disciplined for the same things as others. He put the public in danger. She acted like a horse’s azz in a public venue. They received what they deserved.

10/31/2007, 05:25 PM
Reporting the incident is bad form IMO.

He and other reporters need to report the sports.

Digging up stuff on people is wrong.

If you don't have anything positive to say about someone...your best keeping it to yourself.

If a College Player gets a DUI report it.

If a Coach's Wife gets ****ed at you and goes off....call her Husband and talk about it.

Dragging a bad scene into the media pages is revengeful and any Editor that promotes reporting like that ought to be held responsible.

Hopefully Belotti's Son will get some help and if his Wife has a drinking problem...hopefully someone in the Family will intervene and help her to get it together.

It all sounds pretty sad to me for a Div 1A School to have those kind of allegations go unresponded too.

Agree completely.

May I add the reporter sounds like a condescending, elitist d-bag.

10/31/2007, 07:13 PM
Agree completely.

May I add the reporter sounds like a condescending, elitist d-bag.
It's your right to be incorrect.

This is America.:D

10/31/2007, 08:27 PM
What's a DUII?

Diving while illiterate and intixicated? maybe? :pop:

10/31/2007, 08:32 PM
Actually, it's the sequal.

Not nearly as good as the original, but there were so many questions that needed answered.

10/31/2007, 08:49 PM
I'm looking forward to DUIV.

10/31/2007, 09:02 PM
I don't think that he should have reported it but if he hadn't a witness would. As far as his having "dug up" the story, it dug itself up and threw itself at him. I knew that the coach was a classless jerk, now I see that their kids are doomed by heredity.

10/31/2007, 09:59 PM
Reporting the incident is bad form IMO.

He and other reporters need to report the sports.

Digging up stuff on people is wrong.

If you don't have anything positive to say about someone...your best keeping it to yourself.

If a College Player gets a DUI report it.

If a Coach's Wife gets ****ed at you and goes off....call her Husband and talk about it.

Dragging a bad scene into the media pages is revengeful and any Editor that promotes reporting like that ought to be held responsible.

Hopefully Belotti's Son will get some help and if his Wife has a drinking problem...hopefully someone in the Family will intervene and help her to get it together.

It all sounds pretty sad to me for a Div 1A School to have those kind of allegations go unresponded too.

I agree - if the press would just leave that poor Bush kid alone, that university that he went to wouldn't get into trouble - and to think of all of those kids that won't get to go to bowl games because of what those mean people at Yahoo had to say about Reggie. Dad gum it, can't we all just get along?????

10/31/2007, 10:08 PM
I agree - if the press would just leave that poor Bush kid alone, that university that he went to wouldn't get into trouble - and to think of all of those kids that won't get to go to bowl games because of what those mean people at Yahoo had to say about Reggie. Dad gum it, can't we all just get along?????

Make illogical jumps of reason much? :rolleyes:

Apples and oranges, dude.

10/31/2007, 10:43 PM
She must be related to my X.

11/1/2007, 01:06 PM
Are some of you actually sympathizing with this woman? She walked into a room full of the press and did this. How could she possibly expect it to not be reported? Furthermore, I bet part of the reason she did it was becuase she is the wife of Mike-by-God-Bellotti, and she thought that she could get away with it. That makes her even more deserving of it getting out.

Desert Sapper
11/1/2007, 03:35 PM
I'm looking forward to DUIV.

DUIII was the ****. Mr. T and all. The big Russian does seem pretty intriguing, though...:D

11/1/2007, 04:09 PM
What she did sounds so Gundy Aggyish,,,,,,, it makes me want to puke.

....and the editor that let it be printed is garbage too.....

.... I wonder if he has any children?

NYC Poke
11/1/2007, 04:12 PM
What she did sounds so Gundy Aggyish,,,,,,, it makes me want to puke.

....and the editor that let it be printed is garbage too.....

.... I wonder if he has any children?

Except that her desire to puke came from drinking too much.

11/1/2007, 04:16 PM
Make illogical jumps of reason much? :rolleyes:

Apples and oranges, dude.

How is it illogical or Apples and oranges "DUUDDEE? :cool: "

Your statment sounds rather condescending, and elitist.

Stoop Dawg
11/1/2007, 04:47 PM
Your statment sounds rather condescending, and elitist.

Woah! That's my territory!

11/1/2007, 05:32 PM
I don't see anything wrong with the article or that he exposed her tirade.

How is his reporting of this incident any different than Gundy's rant? The fact that she did it on press row IMO is no different than doing it at a press conference, with the exception that it is pretty cowardly. Especially in the fact that she was hiding behind her kids (i.e. using them as a weapon) while doing it.

However, I would like to take a moment to lay down some grammar smack. Is this guy really a professional journalist, or just Joe Random Blogger?

Because that may be the most poorly written published article I have ever read. Most of us effin hillbillies on this board write better than that, even with our particular gramatical picadillos.