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View Full Version : I think this is where BSG works

10/23/2007, 01:56 PM
awwww yeaaah.


10/23/2007, 02:20 PM
There was a California mining operation during the goldrush era that hired a Chinese man to drive a supply wagon. It was explained to him that he was to take the wagon once a week and bring supplies back to the camp.

A week went by and there was no sign of him. Another day went by, still no sign. After another day food was getting sparse so the foreman told one of the men to ride into town and find out if there had been trouble.

He rode out of camp, and as he turned th first corner, the Chinese man jumped out and yelled

:les: SUPPLIES!!!!1

10/23/2007, 03:06 PM
HAHAHA! I get it. The Chinese guys pronounce their r's like p's.

That's funny enough to tell the same joke twice.

10/23/2007, 03:10 PM
They probably didn't have "corners" up in the hills like that. It would have been better if you said, "as he went around the bend" or something like that.

10/23/2007, 03:48 PM
They probably didn't have "corners" up in the hills like that. It would have been better if you said, "as he went around the bend" or something like that.

The bend was sharp enough as to approach cornerdom. I know. I was there.

10/23/2007, 03:50 PM
Ben Dover? He owes Howzit money.

10/23/2007, 03:53 PM
This is a thread about pronouncing r's as l's.


10/23/2007, 04:02 PM
Richard Dumas? He and Byron "Postin Up" Houston owe Howzit money.

10/23/2007, 04:26 PM
welcome to city wok, you want city beef or city pork?http://www.spscriptorium.com/SPBios/CityWokOwner.jpg

10/23/2007, 04:58 PM
Heh. I don't work for the Circle H Ranch anymore. I miss some parts of it (not the PQ parts) like the Japanese folks and stuff.

I miss being a razy amelican workah.

10/23/2007, 05:03 PM
Richard Dumas? He and Byron "Postin Up" Houston owe Howzit money.
No, he's talking about Alexandre Dumass, the guy that wrote The Count of Monte Christo. Only it's pronounced "do maw".

10/23/2007, 05:07 PM
Monte Crisco? He owes Howzit money.

10/23/2007, 06:19 PM
Heh. I don't work for the Circle H Ranch anymore. I miss some parts of it (not the PQ parts) like the Japanese folks and stuff.

I miss being a razy amelican workah.

So whatcha doin' now? I must have missed the job changin'. :D

10/23/2007, 06:23 PM
At teh Circle H Ranch I was the Site Admin for the Supply Chain/Manufacturing Execution System there and I went to work for the company in Atlanta that makes that software as an Applications Consultant. I'm basically consulting with other manufacturing facilities helping them use the system, doing implementations and just doing basic consultant work.

I not razy anymore.


10/24/2007, 05:24 AM
HAHAHA! I get it. The Chinese guys pronounce their r's like p's.

That's funny enough to tell the same joke twice.

I don't know what the hell kind of Chinese people you are hanging around.


Partial Qualifier
10/24/2007, 06:50 AM
At teh Circle H Ranch I was the South Oval Readin', WAYLT thread'in, Whook-'em Hornz'in, New Shoes Shower Offer, Call-In-Sickathon Grand Master.

true ;) we miss ya, bro

10/24/2007, 07:57 AM
Okay, solves the missing BSG problem. What did you do with Beano and Norm?

10/24/2007, 08:23 AM
I heard Beano took a vow of silence.

he's part of the brotherhood now.

Norm's still Norm. he peeks in occasionally.

10/24/2007, 08:34 AM
true ;) we miss ya, bro


And also, HAHAHAhahAHhahahHA!!!!

Shut up.

10/24/2007, 12:03 PM
There's nothing quite like a "Peeping Norm"...

Partial Qualifier
10/24/2007, 02:10 PM

And also, HAHAHAhahAHhahahHA!!!!

Shut up.


Sooner Born Sooner Bred
10/24/2007, 02:57 PM
Which one is PQ?

10/24/2007, 04:30 PM
the one with the razy eye.

10/24/2007, 04:55 PM
Oh my sweet rord....

10/24/2007, 05:02 PM
The wong and winding woad....

10/24/2007, 05:05 PM
Rife goes on...

10/24/2007, 05:22 PM
Get Back, Roretta! With her high heered shoes and row neck sweater.