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View Full Version : Lester is the Luckiest AND Dumbest SOB on the Planet

10/21/2007, 08:23 AM
He keeps going for it on 4th down instead of doing the smart thing.He got away with it against UF,(barely) but it bit him against UK.He then decides with NO timeouts left to throw a pass to the endzone whern they are already in position for a chippy FG to win.Miles got LUCKY again and it was caught with 1 second left on the clock.With his arrogance and stupidity I am even more CERTAIN LSU will lose again.

10/21/2007, 08:25 AM
They had one time out left.

Sooner Stew
10/21/2007, 08:34 AM
mother trucker has got some big nuts thats all i gotta say

10/21/2007, 08:45 AM
If anyone ever deserved something horrible to happen to him, it's this guy. I hate him with a passion.

Sooner Stew
10/21/2007, 08:56 AM
amen to that brother...he's right up there with ole mack brown in my book lol :les: I think LsU will find it tough to win out because of their below average quarterback play....Flynn's ok but he's nothing special and i get bored watching him play...you can tell that the frosh is going to be the future in the bayou but at this point he's still making freshman mistakes so its a tough decision for Miles because this two qb thing in my opinion won't be very effective just as it hasn't been to this point

10/21/2007, 09:05 AM
The fourth downs he went for against UF, I'll give him ballzy. But what he did last night was just plain stupid. If that ball gets tipped by the DB (which is highly likely on a fade route) the clock runs out and it is game over.

But then having to watch that jackass celebrate nearly made me physically ill. Even Lester has to know that he got luckier than Angelina Jolie's Cambodian baby.

10/21/2007, 09:10 AM
what about saying they still had a chance to "kick their asses" when interviewed on national tv. what an idiot. of course tommy t isn't much smarter to sit there and let them run out the clock with 2 timeouts left

10/21/2007, 09:21 AM
He's still retarded--and lucky.

10/21/2007, 09:34 AM
mother trucker has got some big nuts thats all i gotta say
what is it??? discression is the better part of valor??

it bit him against kent.... it worked out last night... it will get him again before the season is out.

10/21/2007, 10:11 AM
Isn't their field goal kicker pretty horrible for the season? Like both distance and accuracy?

Maybe Miles doesn't trust his kicker in those kind of situations...

10/21/2007, 10:17 AM
I think the guy is smart and gutsy.

He doesnt go for every 4th down. They had about 5 opportunities to go on 4th against Auburn yesterday and they only took it one time.

The ESPN announcers last night were idiots. LSU snapped the ball with about 7 secs left, and after the ball was caught there were clearly 3-4 secs left on the clock. Even if it was incomplete, LSU had a timeout. Even if the clock guy ran extra clock off, they woulda reviewed the play and the refs would have added at least 2 secs back on teh clock for a final FG play.

It was a good gutsy play call. The ESPN announcers didnt realize that they could review the play to determine whether the clock guy ran too much time off.

10/21/2007, 10:39 AM
They did get a home clock on the end of that play, whoever was punching the button let it run a few seconds long. I bet if the ball had been bobbled of would have been a quick clock stop.

10/21/2007, 11:03 AM
True or not, I don't know....but there was a reporter on ESPN radio this morning saying that Les said after the game he thought there were 17 or 18 seconds left when they snapped the ball. If that's true, it's dumber than the actual play call.

southern sooner
10/21/2007, 11:07 AM
he is a thug coach that got lucky and if that would have fallen incomplete they would have been calling for his job.... he sux

10/21/2007, 11:14 AM
He keeps going for it on 4th down instead of doing the smart thing.He got away with it against UF,(barely) but it bit him against UK.He then decides with NO timeouts left to throw a pass to the endzone whern they are already in position for a chippy FG to win.Miles got LUCKY again and it was caught with 1 second left on the clock.With his arrogance and stupidity I am even more CERTAIN LSU will lose again.

Yea, he cant keep getting lucky like this.

10/21/2007, 11:15 AM
Tuberville ranks right there with Miles for being dumb after he left that 1st down play stand when the guy didn't get the first down. Even the announcers said he didn't make a first down and was waiting for Tuberville to do something -- NOTHING!

10/21/2007, 11:21 AM
Both..He should not be in the big league.He is more of an osu type coach.
I just do not like him.Makes me wonder how he ever got that job.

10/21/2007, 11:25 AM
Les Miles actual dialogue, as best remembered from one viewing, during his post-game interview with Holly Rowe following LSU’s eschewing of a field goal and all reason in their 30-24 victory over Auburn Saturday (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/ncaa/scoreboards/2007/10/20/35771_viewcast_recap.html).
Holly: Tell us about that last call, Coach.
Les: (Pauses, looks blankly at her.) Which call?
Holly: (Dumbfounded.) The touchdown call to win the game. Tell us a little about that.
Les: Oh, that call. Sure. It’s because, where other men have brains, I just have more balls. Just a skull full of testes–that’s what you’ll see if you take an MRI of my head, actually. It’s like looking at an x-ray of a beanbag in profile when you look at my head. I jostle when I walk. Why? It’s the balls jangling and boinging around in my head. Don’t ask me if it’s awesome. There’s no brains up there, only balls. And balls always have the same answer to that question: it’s awesome having a brain full of balls like Les Miles does. It sounds awesome when I say that, actually. Balls. BALLS BALLS BALLS BALLS BALLS. That’s it in short, Balls.
Holly: It’s Holly.
Miles: Balls, balls. Balls.
If one needs any further confirmation that Les Miles has no idea what he’s talking about, take this as the last and best pieces of evidence.
First, Miles claims that they still had a time out, not realizing the clock had run down to one second, and that with one more hitch or qb scramble, the clock would have run dry and bled out any chances LSU would have had of winning, unburned timeout or not. Miles would have been introduced as a plaything for Mike VI as punishment, and we’d be writing this great piece we would have wept during the composition of about how Auburn was the greatest, most balanced team in the anarchic SEC West.
Second, they claim Byrd hadn’t been covered all night, and that they knew they could hit it. D.J. Hall went uncovered on Saturday, catching 13 balls against Tennessee for Alabama. This is someone uncovered all night who you could throw to with mathematical certainty. Byrd had two solid receptions, but it wasn’t an Easy Button transaction for the td. It constituted an immense gamble, one done when a simple field goal could have won the game.
Third, we let the crowd speak. Mike Patrick, while denying the killing urges of the “voices in his head” (he described Tiger Stadium as so loud he couldn’t hear the voices in his head, giving us a flash of the daily madness swirling in his mind) invoked the seismograph game, but got no thunder. While the crowd was loud, at least 30,000 fans seemed too stunned to believe what they’d seen and sat in meek, catatonic silence, cutting down on measurable vibrations at the lab. And not that fun, recreational taser-use stunned, either: a genuine, flabbergasted horrified kind of stunned set in, with most Tiger fans relieved not only to win, but to survive Mr. Toad’s absurdly hazardous driving.

10/21/2007, 11:38 AM
They had one time out left.

The timeout doesn't do a lot of good if the game clock reads 00:00 after an incomplete pass.

I recognize that after an incompletion on a review there would have been 2 or 3 seconds on the clock but there is no way Miles would have known that ahead of time. The simple fact is he gave his team an opportunity to lose that game.

10/21/2007, 12:04 PM
little sheep turds are often mistaken for balls in stillwater!

10/21/2007, 12:29 PM
He got lucky, plain and simple; the right call there would have been a quick slant or out pass to set up the field goal, but by doing what they did it's obvious that they have absolutely no faith in their kicking game.

10/21/2007, 12:52 PM
I just can't wait to see the LSU meltdown if they lose to Saban.

10/21/2007, 01:10 PM
"Idiot Savant"

10/21/2007, 02:02 PM
The timeout doesn't do a lot of good if the game clock reads 00:00 after an incomplete pass.

I recognize that after an incompletion on a review there would have been 2 or 3 seconds on the clock but there is no way Miles would have known that ahead of time. The simple fact is he gave his team an opportunity to lose that game.
Exactly.Once again Lester has to show the world what big gonads he has.Basic psych 101 tells you ANYONE who feels the need to prove their manhood over and over is VERY insecure.It will bite Miles again,count on it.

10/21/2007, 02:15 PM
I think the guy is smart and gutsy.

He doesnt go for every 4th down. They had about 5 opportunities to go on 4th against Auburn yesterday and they only took it one time.

The ESPN announcers last night were idiots. LSU snapped the ball with about 7 secs left, and after the ball was caught there were clearly 3-4 secs left on the clock. Even if it was incomplete, LSU had a timeout. Even if the clock guy ran extra clock off, they woulda reviewed the play and the refs would have added at least 2 secs back on teh clock for a final FG play.

It was a good gutsy play call. The ESPN announcers didnt realize that they could review the play to determine whether the clock guy ran too much time off.

That's not "smart and gutsy". That's plain stupidity. You crow about how everyone else is an idiot and you're the only one that saw it truly, yet you completely discount ANY other result than the one that happened. Any bobble and drop, any tip, any pressure on the QB with an incompletion and the clock runs out with a loss for LSU. 3-4 seconds is not a margin for error. Delude yourself all you want, but realize while you're doing it that you have no facts to support your position.

10/21/2007, 02:21 PM
LSU will rape Bama

10/21/2007, 02:28 PM
Les MIles took the torch from Jared Zebranski owning this place.

10/21/2007, 04:00 PM
One game is a fluke, but "Lester" has made comebacks a recurring trend for his teams at LSU since he's been there.

The ESPN graphic showed that he had like 7 or 8 4th quarter comebacks against SEC teams during his tenure there. He's also 6-2 in games where they are trailing at halftime.

I'm sorry but thats more than just luck. I think there is some luck involved, but its more than just luck by itself.

Just curious, does anybody know what OU's record is in games where we are trailing at halftime? I have no clue, maybe its a lot better than Les Miles, but my point is that some of you are being less than objective about this.

10/21/2007, 05:14 PM
One game is a fluke, but "Lester" has made comebacks a recurring trend for his teams at LSU since he's been there.

The ESPN graphic showed that he had like 7 or 8 4th quarter comebacks against SEC teams during his tenure there. He's also 6-2 in games where they are trailing at halftime.

I'm sorry but thats more than just luck. I think there is some luck involved, but its more than just luck by itself.

Just curious, does anybody know what OU's record is in games where we are trailing at halftime? I have no clue, maybe its a lot better than Les Miles, but my point is that some of you are being less than objective about this.
Just curious, if they are such a powerhouse, then why are they trailing so much at halftime and in the 4th quarter? They have been lucky, plain and simple

10/21/2007, 05:27 PM

CU ..........5 downs.......lucky
NU............kicked ball in endzone.......lucky
OU............Marshall intercepts ball for TD.......lucky

Fellas..........good teams get lucky.

Posers whine about other teams being lucky.

10/21/2007, 05:39 PM

CU ..........5 downs.......lucky
NU............kicked ball in endzone.......lucky
OU............Marshall intercepts ball for TD.......lucky

Fellas..........good teams get lucky.

Posers whine about other teams being lucky.
While I dont disagree with your premise, was that really the best example of OU being lucky? 5 downs has basically NEVER happenned at the end of such a meaningful game like that, and how often does a ball ricochet off of a player's foot with no time remaining into the arms of a teammate for a winning score? Marshall's INT was a routine play. The other 2 plays were lucky. I'd hardly call that INT as being lucky on the same level as those first 2 examples.

10/21/2007, 05:43 PM
NU fans were complaining the very same season about Woolfolk catching a pass while laying on his back.

If you want to nitpick the season there might be a dozen "lucky" plays.

It's true of all teams that win the championship. Fans are the ones that think "we are good" but "they are lucky".

And Marshall got his butt chewed out after that play for being out of position. How's that for lucky?

10/21/2007, 06:01 PM
It's Leslie

Newbomb Turk
10/21/2007, 06:06 PM
And Marshall got his butt chewed out after that play for being out of position. How's that for lucky?

that's not how I remember it. I've heard that was a formation that was pointed out during film and recognized by Marshall.

10/21/2007, 06:12 PM
that's not how I remember it. I've heard that was a formation that was pointed out during film and recognized by Marshall.
Well we remember it different. Mike chewed out Torrence for being in the wrong place at the right time.

10/21/2007, 06:13 PM
that's not how I remember it. I've heard that was a formation that was pointed out during film and recognized by Marshall.
Me too; if i remember correctly, they practiced against that play all week in practice and Marshall struggled with it

Newbomb Turk
10/21/2007, 06:13 PM
Just one of the stories I've heard. Don't know what actually happened.

10/21/2007, 06:15 PM
incidentally, it's a tangent to the whiney "they're lucky" carp

10/21/2007, 06:16 PM
Everybody else is just plain lucky and we are the only ones that are good.

the following emoticon is for the benefit of the sarcastically challenged.


Newbomb Turk
10/21/2007, 06:19 PM
incidentally, it's a tangent to the whiney "they're lucky" carp

don't try to confuse me to detract from your incorrect statement.

10/21/2007, 06:20 PM
BTW......all of the following is also true.

They have thugs, we have misunderstood student athletes.
Their cupcakes suck, our cupcakes have just had a rough stretch.
They have crappy fans, we have "a" bad fan.

There are many more such truths.

10/21/2007, 06:26 PM
BTW......all of the following is also true.

They have thugs, we have misunderstood student athletes.
Their cupcakes suck, our cupcakes have just had a rough stretch.
They have crappy fans, we have "a" bad fan.

There are many more such truths.

Their fans are always drunk, our fans are jovial.

10/21/2007, 07:19 PM
The Computers Hate Us

10/21/2007, 07:57 PM
Gators will beat the shat OUt of lsu in the SEC championship game on a neutral field. F les miles!

10/21/2007, 08:00 PM

CU ..........5 downs.......lucky
NU............kicked ball in endzone.......lucky
OU............Marshall intercepts ball for TD.......lucky

Fellas..........good teams get lucky.

Posers whine about other teams being lucky.

San Antonio,

You don't understand why we're calling Miles lucky. It's not that an outrageous or unexpected lucky play occured on the field. It's that Miles made a stupid coaching decision that could have cost him the game and his team bailed him out.

A correct analogy would be if a coach went for it on 4th and 5 from their own five yard line. The players may make the play but it still would be an idiotic call.

I still think Miles made the call that gave his team the highest chance of losing. He's lucky his team bailed him out. Had the ball been incomplete he would have been lucky that 3 seconds remained on the clock. My gosh, you just don't take those chances.

10/21/2007, 08:18 PM
A lot of posters have a woody for Les because of his OSU connection. Gutsy + success = genious. Gutsy - success = stupid.

The former whining about Jerod Zebranski and the current whining about Les being lucky is exactly what it appears to be. Transparent rivalry nonsense.

I remember when our coach made calls that people were talking about the next day. I kind of miss that.

Newbomb Turk
10/21/2007, 08:20 PM
I remember when our coach made calls that people were talking about the next day. I kind of miss that.

I figured you for a John Blake fan.

10/21/2007, 08:21 PM
If anyone ever deserved something horrible to happen to him, it's this guy. I hate him with a passion.

preachin to the choir...

10/21/2007, 08:22 PM
Actually I wish something horrible would happen to soonersn2007

10/21/2007, 08:24 PM
Actually I wish something horrible would happen to soonersn2007


10/21/2007, 08:27 PM
Does anyone think his coaching is/was partially affected by the brain surgery he had while at OSUck?

10/21/2007, 08:27 PM
Actually I wish something horrible would happen to soonersn2007
or turk....:pop:

10/21/2007, 08:28 PM
Does anyone think his coaching is/was partially affected by the brain surgery he had while at OSUck?


Newbomb Turk
10/21/2007, 08:29 PM
or turk....:pop:

that hurts.

10/21/2007, 08:36 PM
Hopefully he'll play Florida again and it WON'T be a home game!!! LSU still sucks!

10/21/2007, 08:38 PM
Actually I wish something horrible would happen to soonerrus
I agree with rus whoa !:eek: :pop:

10/21/2007, 08:40 PM
well......."horrible" is a pretty ambiguous word.

May the fleas of a thousand camels infest his armpits.

10/22/2007, 12:18 PM
OMG Skip and the gang on First andTen just agreed with me about Lester.For some reason I feel ashamed,dirty.

10/22/2007, 12:34 PM
There woulda been time had the pass been incomplete...http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/6355/byrdtdge6.jpg

10/22/2007, 07:29 PM
Sad thing is if they get lucky again at Alabammer, they'll have an easy ride playing the rest of their games at home and an MNC game in their own backyard.

Keep in mind that as "good" as everyone thinks LSU is, they damn near lost twice on their home field when ole :les: got damned lucky. The Tulane game as well is evident that they are beatable without a gazillion corndoggers cheering for them(home field advantage).

I'm not claiming we're unbeatable, and I'm worried about the direction OUr team has gone recently to be fair. But damn... no way is this team (LSU) a clear National Champion.

10/22/2007, 08:13 PM
Miles is an idiot. A lucky idiot, perhaps, but an idiot nonetheless. His "ballsy" calls will catch up with him if he continues the trend - which he will, because he's an idiot. Did I mention that he's an idiot?

10/22/2007, 08:17 PM
you mean that people that take chances sometimes fail

Interesting........go on........

10/22/2007, 08:32 PM
While I dont disagree with your premise, was that really the best example of OU being lucky? 5 downs has basically NEVER happenned at the end of such a meaningful game like that, and how often does a ball ricochet off of a player's foot with no time remaining into the arms of a teammate for a winning score? Marshall's INT was a routine play. The other 2 plays were lucky. I'd hardly call that INT as being lucky on the same level as those first 2 examples.

FYI - the Kick in the endzone I think was to tie the game and send it to OT.
and Marshall's INT was a little lucky - because of the timing, he had 44 yards through traffic for a touchdown, and Calumus block in the back that wasn't called.

10/10/2010, 09:50 AM
Squeaking by the Volunteers only because they had 13 men on D and FU with the bounceroo fake fg for first down cements Miles' title as both luckiest and dumbest SOB on the planet.

10/10/2010, 10:20 AM
I keep saying that and he keeps winning.:(

10/10/2010, 10:28 AM
he sure has a good job to be the dumbest sob on the planet.

Dan Thompson
10/10/2010, 10:35 AM
If he bacame the coach at texas, we could focus our dislike for both of them.

Scott D
10/10/2010, 10:52 AM
Who is Lester?

10/10/2010, 12:03 PM
This may be crazy, but i think they just practice 4th down situations alot.

10/10/2010, 12:08 PM
Say what you want, the guy wins ball games, and in the end, this is what most coaches are judged by.

With that said, I can't stand him and glad that he's at a school like LSU.

10/10/2010, 04:25 PM
For all the rumblings of discontent, Les really is the perfect fit for LSU. They should keep him until he's as old as Joe Pa.

10/10/2010, 05:58 PM
Yep. Love him or hate him the guy has some big brass balls on him. Dumb luck or pure genius but as often as he looks like a fool his team ends up winning the dang game.

I think the guy is a good coach who if had a little less sense would probably bring on the apocalyspe

11/4/2012, 10:16 AM
Apparently Les' deal with the Devil expired.He tried all kinds of stupid things last nite that blewup on him, but it took a last minutedrive by Bama for the win.I really thought the two failed 4th down plays,the fake fg and botched onside kick would have allowed The Tide to bury The Mad Hatter. I can only assume Lucifer still harbors a warm spot for Les. :)

11/4/2012, 10:37 AM
Miles was the reason LSU lost the game.

11/4/2012, 10:55 AM
Even with all the high risk stuff not working, it was the more standard decisions that sunk their boat. I knew that going for that 45yd FG with a shaky kicker was not going to work. Then playing prevent on the last drive allowed 'Bama to get into FG range without even trying. I guess they decided to blitz to try to push them back outside FG range and 'Bama guessed right with that screen.

I would have either gone for it on 4th or tried to pin them deep with a punt. And I certainly don't understand why they went prevent when 'Bama struggled the whole 2nd half just to get a 1st down against their normal sets.

11/4/2012, 11:04 AM
The defense at the end of the game is what did them in, the "prevent the win" defense strikes again.

11/4/2012, 11:11 AM
The defense at the end of the game is what did them in, the "prevent the win" defense strikes again.

Exactly. Les abandoned his hair brained, risk it all format and played it textbook. And lost.

11/4/2012, 11:18 AM
Exactly. Les abandoned his hair brained, risk it all format and played it textbook. And lost.

Yep. And if they go for it on 4th and make it, the game is over. Bama had not been able to cover their receivers all night and the clock was not an issue since a change of possession was going to stop the clock anyway. At worst, an incomplete would have pushed 'Bama back another 7 yards vs. a missed FG. Obviously, Les thought his kicker could make it, but he had missed so badly on a 50 yarder it just didn't make sense to me.

11/4/2012, 01:41 PM
The defense at the end of the game is what did them in, the "prevent the win" defense strikes again.

LSUr folded like a cheap suit

11/4/2012, 02:07 PM
Yep. And if they go for it on 4th and make it, the game is over. Bama had not been able to cover their receivers all night and the clock was not an issue since a change of possession was going to stop the clock anyway. At worst, an incomplete would have pushed 'Bama back another 7 yards vs. a missed FG. Obviously, Les thought his kicker could make it, but he had missed so badly on a 50 yarder it just didn't make sense to me.

No, you kick the FG there and make them have to get a TD. People would be complaining if he went for it didn't get it and Bama ended up tying the game with a FG.
The only play he really really screwed up was the fake, not only was it 12 yards but after seeing Bama's formation (they were playing safe and watching for the fake) he should have just called a TO and punted it.
The onside and going for it 4th&1 were not that bad and came down to execution.

11/4/2012, 03:39 PM
According to the announcers the risky decisions that failed were somehow responsible for the team playing well.

Of course I'm not promoting this mode of thinking, just thought it was fun.

mikee likee
11/4/2012, 04:34 PM

Sorry i cant post the video of les picking his ear

11/4/2012, 05:26 PM
No, you kick the FG there and make them have to get a TD. People would be complaining if he went for it didn't get it and Bama ended up tying the game with a FG.
The only play he really really screwed up was the fake, not only was it 12 yards but after seeing Bama's formation (they were playing safe and watching for the fake) he should have just called a TO and punted it.
The onside and going for it 4th&1 were not that bad and came down to execution.

Yes, if you trust your kicker to make it. That one he missed earlier would not have been good from 45 and he has struggled all year. If Stoops ever tried a kick like that with Jimmy Stevens, every OU board would still be melting down over it. But it goes deeper than that - Les started playing for a FG too soon or just to drain clock/timeouts and not trying to get that last first down. His QB had been beating the defense all night and Les tucked into a turtle shell when it really mattered. Classic taunting of the FB gods and they responded in turn. And people would complain if they lost no matter what approach he took.

11/4/2012, 06:52 PM
LSU has had a bad kicker for at least the past couple of seasons, remember the two games they had against Bama last year?