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View Full Version : Conflicting reports that Callahan has been fired

10/17/2007, 02:34 PM
John Fricke just reported to Fox Sports Radio that Callenberger will be removed as head coach this evening.

Look for yet another press conference.

10/17/2007, 02:35 PM
holy crap. oz isn't monkeying around.

10/17/2007, 02:39 PM
good for them.

10/17/2007, 02:42 PM
Big Sports 590 in Omaha is confirming this report.

10/17/2007, 02:44 PM
The Original TO doesn't mess around, does he?

10/17/2007, 02:48 PM
damn that's too bad. I was hoping for a few more years of the f'n hillbilly.

10/17/2007, 02:50 PM
Wow, losing to osu really gets under people's skin, huh?

10/17/2007, 02:50 PM
Did Osborne do the throat-slash to Callenberger?

10/17/2007, 02:52 PM
I wonder what they'll do in the interim.

?Interim head coach from a fired's staff?

10/17/2007, 02:53 PM
Well, now we have conflicting reports. One radio station is saying it's bogus, one is saying it's for real, John Fricke is standing by his report.

10/17/2007, 02:53 PM
Did Osborne do the throat-slash to Callenberger?
Nah, he just told him he'd 'had it up to here' with his crap coaching.

10/17/2007, 02:55 PM
Did Osborne do the throat-slash to Callenberger?
If so, it would be great to get video of that.

10/17/2007, 02:56 PM
Does anyone think that Turner Gill = John Blake?

I gotta think that Gill is a better coach...

Landthief 1972
10/17/2007, 03:02 PM
If the reports of poor team morale are true, the best thing Tom can do is drop that dead weight Callenberger ASAP. Recruits smell that like sharks smelling blood in the water.

10/17/2007, 03:05 PM
wow, losing to uso ended his career. hmmmmmmmmm.:D

10/17/2007, 03:08 PM
I've updated the thread title; the reports are being discredited. Callenberger is at practice with the player.

Looks like this one might be bogus. I'm sorry Sooner fans. I'll go crawl in a hole for a while.

10/17/2007, 03:09 PM
I think it is better for the Big 12 if Nebraska is a powerhouse again, the perception is already that the big 12 is OU, tx, and a bunch of crap...this helps us and I personally hope that Neb gets a good coach!!

10/17/2007, 03:15 PM
I like the Nebraska of old to come back. Makes winning against them sweeter.

10/17/2007, 03:15 PM
Turner Gill > boo

how could it be otherwise?

10/17/2007, 03:20 PM
Big difference. Turner Gill has HC experience, Blake had none.

10/17/2007, 03:20 PM
Big difference. Turner Gill has a brain, Blake had none.

10/17/2007, 03:43 PM
The Original TO doesn't mess around, does he?

Dio say "original TO." Heh.


10/17/2007, 03:47 PM


I actually fear that Nebbish would be a good team again a lot faster with Gill at the helm. He'd have to get himself a good OC, though, they need a modern offense.

10/17/2007, 03:48 PM
"Will Coach Nebraska for food."

10/17/2007, 03:53 PM
blake is bad!

10/17/2007, 04:12 PM
Well, now we have conflicting reports. One radio station is saying it's bogus, one is saying it's for real, John Fricke is standing by his report.

Is John Fricke about the same as Dean Blevins?

or is is more like 68/42 ?

10/17/2007, 04:13 PM

I actually fear that Nebbish would be a good team again a lot faster with Gill at the helm. He'd have to get himself a good OC, though, they need a modern offense.

Yeah! That's the ticket ! Something spiffy, like the West Coast Of......
Oh, wait !

OU Adonis
10/17/2007, 04:32 PM
Option and running offenses can still work fine. The biggest problem is finding a QB that is good enough and willing to run one in college.

10/17/2007, 04:42 PM
Looks like this one might be bogus. I'm sorry Sooner fans. I'll go crawl in a hole for a while.

i think he meant fellow Sooner fans.


10/17/2007, 04:56 PM
Sometime last night I saw a TV clip on ESPN where St. Tom said the football staff will be evaluated AFER the season.

10/17/2007, 05:04 PM
There has been absolutely no report of Callahan being fired, so the reports are not "conflicting", they are UNTRUE.

10/17/2007, 05:22 PM
Dio say "original TO." Heh.


And if I can get that to catch on, then we can shorten it to TOTO ;)

10/17/2007, 05:26 PM
I have a buddy whose son plays for the Huskers. To protect them, I'll not reveal the names.

Before this season began, his son was thinking very seriously of transferring because he and his teammates cannot stand Callahan as a coach or as a human being. Of course, you take a 20-year-old kid and how accurate his feelings or assessment can be with a grain of salt.

But...seems more and more like that is the case. Clearly.

10/17/2007, 05:40 PM
Option and running offenses can still work fine. The biggest problem is finding a QB that is good enough and willing to run one in college.

It's also tough to find a coach who will run solely and option offense, as well.

Rice used to run it under Ken Hatfield, then Todd Graham in 2006 instilled the spread. New coach at Rice also runs a version of the spread.

Army switched from option to pro passing attack. Air Force passes more now under their new coach.

Navy is the only school in D-1A that runs the option as it's primary offense.

If the option worked as well today or was as marketable to HS stars, then more coaches would run it in college these days, no?

10/17/2007, 05:43 PM
Wow, losing to osu really gets under people's skin, huh?

I'm not sure if it's losing to OSU, or the way they lost to OSU that is so bad.

Shellacking at Mizzou the previous Saturday did not help either.....

10/17/2007, 05:48 PM
I was under the impression that Osbourne would take a little mercy on the coach that invited him to speak in front of team before OSU... of course, this might have also been too little, too late as it was the FIRST TIME cally invited him back :D:D:D

OU Adonis
10/17/2007, 05:51 PM
If the option worked as well today or was as marketable to HS stars, then more coaches would run it in college these days, no?

A few reasons why more people don't run the option

1) People think you can't win with it (false)
2) Its not flashy and football fans nowadays don't care as much about how fundamentals work in football. They don't mind winning 45-21. They don't want to win 21-7.
3) Hard sell to get a 5 Star QB to run the option because he wants to be groomed for the NFL.

10/17/2007, 05:52 PM
funny pic:
good story:
linky (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21350716/)
The wire does NOT show any Cally firing reports, so treat it as a rumor for now.

10/17/2007, 07:06 PM
You have to really know yer shyatt to run an option-based offense, or else you look like Army, aTm, Naval Academy or Rice. There is an extremely high risk of turnover and if you don't run it to near perfection. If you run the wishbone or option in a manner that legendary coaches ran it (Switzer, Royal, Osbourne, etc.), you'll do great. But not everyone had a Gary Gibbs to help you out on a bad day, and not everyone can land the talent Switzer, etc recruited, either.

Kids are more excited to play in pro-style offenses today anyway. A lot of coaches realize that, coupled with the fact that a pro-style offense, when properly executed, can score in a matter of seconds. Not always true with the bone or option when you're down 28-14 late in the 4th, 3rd and 8... you get the picture.

There's a reason todays kids like AD and Malcom Kelly choose to play for guys like Chuck Long, and it has nothing to do with a gambler's instinct (Chuck "3rd and" Long). They like what they see and they know what it prepares them for.

Harsh reality is that while you CAN win running the option, recruits and fans just don't like it too much anymore. Basically like saying "yeah, that paint will keep the metal from corroding, but the color is meh." Old schoolers may say the color is teh awesome, but Stoops isn't recruiting to suit 70-year old Bill who grew up loving option football. He's recruiting kids who will tell him to off himself if he runs anything but a pro-style offense. People like major yardage and scoring lots of points. That's pretty much all there is to it.

Me? I could care less as long as it gets the job done.

10/17/2007, 07:43 PM
HS QB's have always dreamed of playing in pro style offenses because the NFL has been running the same pro sets for years, so it's not like all of a sudden HS QB's don't wana throw the ball.

I believe the main reason that people do not run the option offenses today is because the defenses are faster to the ball than ever before. Coaches are putting better athletes on the defensive side of the ball, and nothing kills an option offense better than a fast defense.

The option won national titles at OU in the 80's and Nebraska in the 90's. For it to just disappear the way it did has to have something to do with the defenses catching up, imo

10/17/2007, 07:54 PM
I've updated the thread title; the reports are being discredited. Callenberger is at practice with the player.

Looks like this one might be bogus. I'm sorry Sooner fans. I'll go crawl in a hole for a while.

Choke yerself for a while:D

OU Adonis
10/17/2007, 08:14 PM
The option won national titles at OU in the 80's and Nebraska in the 90's. For it to just disappear the way it did has to have something to do with the defenses catching up, imo

This has less to do with it than most people think. Goingon8 hit the nail on the head.

Yes, defenses are faster. But so are offenses. If you have the top talent to run an option offense, you will cause any defense to have problems.

When Switzer went 0-3 vs Miami in the 80s he NEVER got stuffed as bad as we got stuffed vs LSU in 2003 and we had a fairly balanced O.

I find it disheartening that people want to see only pro sets in college football. College football is great for me because of the traditions, color and styles of offenses that you can watch any given saturday.

To me Pro ball is very boring to watch.

I am pretty confident if you had a Switzer type nowadays running a Wishbone (not flexbone) with some more passing throwing in it could still win championships.

You would just have to find someone who would be willing to run it.

Crucifax Autumn
10/18/2007, 01:05 AM
Yep, run it like we did in the mid 80's, but throw it to whoever your Keith Jackson is 10 times a game instead of 2.