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View Full Version : Well, what did the rufneks do this time

10/16/2007, 06:40 PM
they are saying on the news that the rufneks are in trouble. Boren is investigating something but wont say what it is. That it could lead to them not being on the sidelines..

So whats up :pop:

10/16/2007, 06:41 PM
A Norman cops sold alcohol to minors. I am not sure if it was minor Ruf Neks, but that's all the Norman news I've heard, and it would make sense if Uncle Dave is involved.

SOMEbody obviously didn't learn anything from the required 15 minutes of online alcohol education training they had to endure!

10/16/2007, 06:42 PM
those crazy boys.........

10/16/2007, 06:44 PM
Liberties with small ponnies maybe? OR Maybe it was that spirit rider from stillwater that took liberties with the ponnies!!

10/16/2007, 07:10 PM
They are fine upstanding citizens that I'm sure did no wrong.

10/16/2007, 07:18 PM
So there's nothing to that firing rock salt into the Mizzou band thingy?

10/16/2007, 07:41 PM
I used to rail against the drinking age too, that is when I was that age. Now that I'm 42 and look back at how stupid most young people are with alcohol........I think they should raise the drinking limit to 25 IMO.

10/16/2007, 07:53 PM
18 yr olds should be allowed to drink.

Agree. At 18, I can vote to put an idiot in office; I can get my balls blown off in Iraq; I can get married and start of family that, statistically, won't have me around for very long -- but I can't legally kick back and have a few brews with my buddies or relax in my own home at the end of a hard day and knock a couple back.

I say, lower the drinking age to 16 (Europe) and raise the driving age to 18. By the time I'm ready to get my driver's license, the novelty of being able to drink will have worn off.

Funny how they have fewer DUI issues over there ...

10/16/2007, 08:32 PM
I hope they weren't driving the Schooner while drinkin' and hopefully this doesn't involve Boomer and Sooner in any way. Sheesh. The NCAA will probably slap us with another year because of the 'neks.
NORMAN, Okla. -- A University of Oklahoma spirit group is under investigation for violating the school's student code policy.

Authorities have not specified the accusations against the Ruf/Neks, a group of students who cheer from the sidelines at OU sporting events -- most noticeably at football games.

They are also responsible for manning the Sooner Schooner, which rolls across the Sooners' football field several times during a game.

A spokesman for OU President David Boren said that he has been made aware of the investigation and that he takes any violations of student code seriously.

Stay tuned to Eyewitness News 5 for further details on this story.http://www.koco.com/news/14351310/detail.html

10/16/2007, 08:36 PM
It was likely some hazing. I doubt the NCAA does anything.

10/16/2007, 08:38 PM
Agree. At 18, I can vote to put an idiot in office; I can get my balls blown off in Iraq; I can get married and start of family that, statistically, won't have me around for very long -- but I can't legally kick back and have a few brews with my buddies or relax in my own home at the end of a hard day and knock a couple back.

I say, lower the drinking age to 16 (Europe) and raise the driving age to 18. By the time I'm ready to get my driver's license, the novelty of being able to drink will have worn off.

Funny how they have fewer DUI issues over there ...

The first part is definitely true.....

The second part, you are onto something there Seamus, I like it FWIW

10/16/2007, 08:41 PM

10/16/2007, 08:48 PM
They probably threw a party somewhere. The new no-alcohol policy is harsh, and for an official sutend organization, they'll hit you for stuff you do off-campus, too.

Dan Thompson
10/16/2007, 08:58 PM
You are kidding, a student code policy? USC doesn't have one of these!

10/16/2007, 08:59 PM
Ok, I am NOT saying the Ruf Neks were the ones a Norman cop gave alcohol to!

All I'm saying is that a NPD officer was suspended for the act, as featured here (http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/article.aspx?articleID=071016_1__NORMA31578).

10/16/2007, 09:06 PM
18 yr olds should be allowed to drink.


Harris County Sooner
10/16/2007, 09:09 PM
I used to rail against the drinking age too, that is when I was that age. Now that I'm 42 and look back at how stupid most young people are with alcohol........I think they should raise the drinking limit to 25 IMO.

After reading this I think they should raise the drinking age to 43.

10/16/2007, 09:45 PM
Nah, just 40, because we all know that...

I'M A MAN, I'M 40!!!11!!!1!![hairGel] [hairGel] [hairGel] [hairGel] [hairGel] [hairGel] [hairGel] [hairGel] [hairGel] [hairGel] [hairGel] [hairGel] [hairGel] [hairGel] [hairGel] [hairGel] [hairGel] [hairGel] [hairGel] [hairGel] [hairGel]

Crucifax Autumn
10/16/2007, 11:43 PM
I hope they weren't driving the Schooner while drinkin'

Haven't you been following my threads the last few weeks? Those guys have lynched Cy, beheaded Chizik, ran down Tigger, Captain Cane, Bevo...etc.

Hit and run, manslaughter, cowslaughter, catslaughter, outright murder in the case of Chizik. MAybe they SHOULD slow down on the drinking!

Frozen Sooner
10/17/2007, 12:15 AM
Agree. At 18, I can vote to put an idiot in office; I can get my balls blown off in Iraq; I can get married and start of family that, statistically, won't have me around for very long -- but I can't legally kick back and have a few brews with my buddies or relax in my own home at the end of a hard day and knock a couple back.

I say, lower the drinking age to 16 (Europe) and raise the driving age to 18. By the time I'm ready to get my driver's license, the novelty of being able to drink will have worn off.

Funny how they have fewer DUI issues over there ...

Of course, the fact that most European countries have usable public transport and gas that costs upwards of $6 a gallon has nothing to do with that either.

Leroy Lizard
10/17/2007, 01:49 AM
Have they opened up the new Snuffy Murphy's in Norman yet?

At 18, I can vote to put an idiot in office; I can get my balls blown off in Iraq; I can get married and start of family that, statistically, won't have me around for very long -- but I can't legally kick back and have a few brews with my buddies or relax in my own home at the end of a hard day and knock a couple back.

By George, I think you've got it!

I used to be in favor of lowering the drinking age to 18, until I turned 21.

Crucifax Autumn
10/17/2007, 01:57 AM
I never realized it mattered. Before I was 21 I always had alcohol when I wnated it and never got caught. Since then, first it was funny when I got carded and could prove I was old enough, and since then it's gradually evolved into loving it when some hottie cards me thinking I'm in that "under 27...we card" deal so many stores have, despite being 10 years past that!

10/17/2007, 06:11 AM
as a NEK alumni... unfortunately, i'm not suprised. i don't know what it is, but i could narrow it down to one of two things - hazing or alcohol.

we all do stupid things growing up... most of us don't get caught.

10/17/2007, 06:38 AM
Combine the undisputed fact that very, very few 18 year olds have the common sense required to pour **** out of a boot, with the fact that my wife, my kids and my precious grandkids could be out and about on the same roads with an 18 year old drunk driver, I vote against lowering the drinking age.

Monster Zero
10/17/2007, 08:30 AM
Top-Secret double probation!

10/17/2007, 08:46 AM
Ok, effin hillbillies, stand down. It wasn't the Ruf Neks in this case:
linky (http://www.normantranscript.com/localnews/local_story_290004653.html)
The ones the officer gave alky were chicks (likely hot chicks that he was trying to impress), so therefore, NOT ruf/neks...

That is, unless you guys are admitting girls to your group and not just the lil sis group ;)

C'mon guys, let the chicks fire the shotguns too! Nah, just kidding.

10/17/2007, 08:51 AM
as a NEK alumni... unfortunately, i'm not suprised. i don't know what it is, but i could narrow it down to one of two things - hazing or alcohol.

we all do stupid things growing up... most of us don't get caught.

I thought afte the last big hazing incident that pulled the ruf/neks into the U admin, they emasculated the r/n's and ended hazing. How could hazing end. Also since they were part of the admin, how could alky be involved?


Man, bring back the days of shaving concrete honed straight-edge on campus corner and Limburger cheese around pledges necks...;)

10/17/2007, 09:24 AM
I did notice there were considerably fewer ruf/neks than usual at the Mizzou game. I figured they must have had a hell of a weekend in Dallas and got busted for it.

10/17/2007, 09:28 AM
Here's the thing with the drinking age. As several posters have noted, 18 year olds have NO PROBLEM getting alcohol.

Which creates a slight issue: As soon as they posses that alcohol, they are in violation of the law.

Being young and fairly stupid, it stands to reason (in their minds) that they've already screwed the proverbial pooch. In other words, wherever they are, they're at risk. Since most illicitly acquired alcohol is drunk somewhere away from home -- say, at a party... Or in a secluded spot... They now have a new set of problems.

Namely, do they remain where they are -- a spot which, while secluded from parents, is probably a good spot for cops to patrol, or do they make it towards home (which is where they're probably expected, due to curfew issues & whatnot).

Using their infallible 18-year-old logic, they reason that adding drunk driving to their existing legal failings is probably no big deal. Combine this with the fact that many localities have a zero-BAC DUI rule in place for underage drivers, and you've compounded the problem -- if they've even *sniffed* a beer, they're drunk in the eyes of the law... So there's no real incentive in place to encourage moderation.

The drunken 18 year old, knowing that merely being a drunken 18 year old makes them a lawbreaker, happily gets behind the wheel. Risking shaky driving in exchange for the shot at safety -- home, or a friend's house, or some other destination where they'll feel safe from arrest.

A legally drinking adult, while still a risk for drunk driving, at *least* typically has the porous safety net of a bartender or server to watch their consumption -- and cut them off if it looks like they're getting sloppy drunk.

What's more, if an 18 year old is drinking legally, they're more likely to feel entitled to just stick around wherever they get drunk -- knowing that by doing so, they remain within the safe domain of the law.

Finally, in countries with reduced drinking ages, an even more miraculous thing happens -- kids start drinking at *home*, under parental supervision. They learn that it's not necessarily that big a deal to drink, particularly in moderation. Alcohol isn't a forbidden fruit. You sure don't hear about many cases of alcohol poisoning when those kids go off to college.

I dig why we raised the drinking age to 21. 18 year olds are effing retarded. They don't have the sense God gave a goat. Still, I don't know that the law benefits society. It certainly never dissuaded me from drinking back when I was underage. Nor any of my friends. It just made us go to greater lengths, and dumber places, to catch our buzz.

10/17/2007, 09:56 AM
Man, bring back the days of shaving concrete honed straight-edge on campus corner and Limburger cheese around pledges necks...;)

lemme tell you sumfin... that linberger STINKS!!!! i DID NOT impress the ladies that week (or any other week for that matter).

10/17/2007, 10:13 AM
Here's the thing with the drinking age. As several posters have noted, 18 year olds have NO PROBLEM getting alcohol.

Which creates a slight issue: As soon as they posses that alcohol, they are in violation of the law.

Being young and fairly stupid, it stands to reason (in their minds) that they've already screwed the proverbial pooch. In other words, wherever they are, they're at risk. Since most illicitly acquired alcohol is drunk somewhere away from home -- say, at a party... Or in a secluded spot... They now have a new set of problems.

Namely, do they remain where they are -- a spot which, while secluded from parents, is probably a good spot for cops to patrol, or do they make it towards home (which is where they're probably expected, due to curfew issues & whatnot).

Using their infallible 18-year-old logic, they reason that adding drunk driving to their existing legal failings is probably no big deal. Combine this with the fact that many localities have a zero-BAC DUI rule in place for underage drivers, and you've compounded the problem -- if they've even *sniffed* a beer, they're drunk in the eyes of the law... So there's no real incentive in place to encourage moderation.

The drunken 18 year old, knowing that merely being a drunken 18 year old makes them a lawbreaker, happily gets behind the wheel. Risking shaky driving in exchange for the shot at safety -- home, or a friend's house, or some other destination where they'll feel safe from arrest.

A legally drinking adult, while still a risk for drunk driving, at *least* typically has the porous safety net of a bartender or server to watch their consumption -- and cut them off if it looks like they're getting sloppy drunk.

What's more, if an 18 year old is drinking legally, they're more likely to feel entitled to just stick around wherever they get drunk -- knowing that by doing so, they remain within the safe domain of the law.

Finally, in countries with reduced drinking ages, an even more miraculous thing happens -- kids start drinking at *home*, under parental supervision. They learn that it's not necessarily that big a deal to drink, particularly in moderation. Alcohol isn't a forbidden fruit. You sure don't hear about many cases of alcohol poisoning when those kids go off to college.

I dig why we raised the drinking age to 21. 18 year olds are effing retarded. They don't have the sense God gave a goat. Still, I don't know that the law benefits society. It certainly never dissuaded me from drinking back when I was underage. Nor any of my friends. It just made us go to greater lengths, and dumber places, to catch our buzz.

why do we let them vote then?

hell, you've let them drive a 3000lb death mobile for 2 years and they are retarded!

we should send them all off to Iraq and if they make it back, then they can drive and drink all they want.

10/17/2007, 10:15 AM
As far as the drinking law goes...

No state wants to forfeit highway funds. However, in the case of Oklahoma, perhaps we should refuse to pay in, because we get less in return, lower the age to 18 until they start giving us fair highway funds, and thus, they will start giving us fair highway funds to get us to comply with the "21 means 21" or whatever they call it.

In any event, that's how the law came about. The MADD founder found that younger kids acted stupid when driving and drinking, and thus, should not be legally allowed to do both (not at the same time, mind you) until they were older, and statistically, less stupid. Statistically, even without the legal booze, the most common cause of teen deaths is driving.

Wisconsin had a fun approach on this one - they were one of the last states (no, it had nothing to do with all the state breweries, hehe, wink wink) to adopt the 21 age thingy. Students from Minny and other surrounding states would drive to border bars (much like Texans drive to Okie's border casinos) and have a "quickie," aka "quick drink." When the highway funds became an issue, Wisconsin said "ok, if you're already legal, we'll let you continue" by having the legal age go up one year every year until it reached 21.

If Oklahoma were to adopt an "18" age for drinking law, we may experience one of the following:

1- Crappier roads, due to even less federal highway funding.
2- More road accidents, due to younger drivers getting DUI's
3- More tax dollars, from Texans and other surrounding states getting "quickies" at border bars.

Sorry guys, I see two terrible outcomes and one good outcome. As such, keep the drinking age as it is. Those that want to drink will still be able to, just like immigrants who want to get into our country will still be able to after HB 1804. Of course, both the kids and the illegals are acting illegally, but hey, we just follow whatever laws we want to anyways, right? :mad:

10/17/2007, 10:24 AM
it's not about Oklahoma and roads, it's about stupid laws and age discrimination. since 18 year olds don't vote and have no money, no one cares what they think.

Louisiana tried out the lowered drinking age thing, but they also have drive through liquor stores :eek: