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10/15/2007, 09:50 AM
Considering the computers don't think very highly of our schedule, do we need TT or mizzou to win this weekend. Personally I say TT but at this point it is a crap shoot. Also who do we want to win the north. I am leading towards kansas losing one game and being a top 20 team come San Antonio. It would be nice if tulsa keeps on winning also!!

10/15/2007, 10:23 AM
Mizzou to win out.

10/15/2007, 10:28 AM

10/15/2007, 10:32 AM
Mizzou. Either one winning helps us in the computers, but I think we'll get more respect from voters for the Mizzou win if they look good this week. If the Pirates throttle them, the OU naysayers will be out in full force.

Oh and we also should pull hard for Rutgers, Mich. St., and Auburn and Virginia Tech. I think Rutgers and VT stand the best chance this week but all four would be nice.

10/15/2007, 10:35 AM
What about colorado vs. kansas, on one hand its the team that beat us but on the other it is one of two teams in the north and one of three four teams in the conference getting any love. This is a tough one but I think I lean towards KU just so the bigXII gets a little more love in the polls.

10/15/2007, 10:40 AM
I root for OU. Period. I'm not a fan of rooting for other teams to make up for a loss from our own team. Whatever happens, happens.

10/15/2007, 10:40 AM
What we need to happen for our SOS is Mizzou and Kansas to win the rest of their games, and Kansas to beat Mizzou on the last week of the season. This puts KU in the Top 8-10 and a great opponent for the CCG.

I personally will be rooting mostly for OU.

10/15/2007, 10:42 AM
Hope Kansas wins out, because we have already beat Missouri, hence we have nothing to gain and everything to lose.

If Kansas could break into the top 15 and we beat them in the conference championship that would help us a lot. I truly believe if we win out we will play for the national title. I just hope we don't have to play LSU. My ideal matchup would be Ohio State.

10/15/2007, 10:43 AM
What we need to happen for our SOS is Mizzou and Kansas to win the rest of their games, and Kansas to beat Mizzou on the last week of the season. This puts KU in the Top 8-10 and a great opponent for the CCG.

I personally will be rooting mostly for OU.
i agree. this is probably the best scenerio... other than us winning out.

10/15/2007, 10:46 AM
I'm rooting for the Jayhawks, just to be contrary. But let's see how they match up against the Buffs. Personally I'd prefer the Sooners not have a rematch in the CCG. But if that's how it plays out, I'd like to play the Buffs once again, and correct the outcome of the game in Boulder.

10/15/2007, 11:00 AM
obviously I will be rooting for OU, i mean seriously. But now that we have a loss and need some help it A) gives us something to talk and think about, which is why were on a message board anyway, and B) makes other games more interesting when you have an agenda, kinda like fantasy football or gambling gives you a reason to be interested in a game you would normally not care about.

10/15/2007, 11:23 AM
... gives us something to talk and think about, which is why were on a message board anyway...
says you. i'm here for the chicks.


Scott D
10/15/2007, 11:24 AM
I'm still rooting for the mississippi state bulldogs to make a bowl game.

10/15/2007, 12:28 PM
says you. i'm here for the chicks.


Yeah! Here for the chicks, man!:pop:

10/15/2007, 12:43 PM
I'm pullin' for Tech to win out. If they can go on the road and beat Mizzou and Texas (and win the rest of their games) then there's a good chance they'll be in or near the Top 10 when we travel to Lubbock which will give us another chance to impress the humans and the computers.

If we can pull of an impressive road win against a Top 10 team, that might be enough to move us ahead of an undefeated BC or USF team in the human polls.

10/15/2007, 12:59 PM
Tech is the only real threat to beat us for the South, IMO. So I want them to lose. In the event that Tech beats us, I want us to still win the Big12 South. If Tech wins out, the game in Lubbock will be for the Big12 South. So I'd like to see Tech lose to Mizzou and Texas, and hope that Texas and Mizzou do well, and both stay in the top-20.

Then of course, I want Kansas to run the table - which would put them in the top-5 come Big12 title game.

Everyone acts like Mizzou is most likely to win the North, but I don't see that at all.

Kansas looks much better on D than Mizzou, and about as good on offense.

Further, Mizzou plays at Colorado, at KSU and at Kansas - in addition to their game with Tech. So they've got a tough road to winning the North, especially now that they're down a game to Kansas.

Kansas plays at Boulder, at Collie Station and at Stillwater. They are good enough to win all of those. They will destroy Iowa State and Nebraska at home.

If Kansas beats Colorado, I fully expect them to win the North.

10/15/2007, 01:10 PM
Tech needs to win until we roll into town. I think in the Championship game we'll be playing a ranked opponent no matter what. Were gonna be fine I still think well be national champs.
Were there any new recruits in town this weekend?

10/15/2007, 01:13 PM
It wouldn't hurt my feelings if we don't play Mizzou again this year.

Go Tech!

10/15/2007, 01:55 PM
Mizzou would be a lot easier to beat in the Big12 champ game than Kansas or KSU, IMO.

But they won't get there...

10/15/2007, 02:04 PM
Best case scenario for us...

Kasnas wins out, and we beat a top-5 Kansas team in the Big12 game.

Mizzou wins out except at Kansas.

Texas wins out.

If that happens, we win the South - even if we lose one more game.

And if we beat Kansas, we'll have 3 wins over teams in the top-12 on our resume.

10/15/2007, 02:53 PM
The mizzou/Kansas game is at arrowhead. I am pretty sure it is 50/50 like OU/tx.

Sooner Coolkat
10/15/2007, 06:05 PM
I know I'm rooting for Colorado to win the north and OU the south. I am a diehard OU fan unfortunately living in Colorado Springs and getting tired of hearing about the Muffs. I have almost been in like 3 fights at bars over this crap and I was at the game! :texan: I know OU would pound em given another chance.

10/15/2007, 06:14 PM
I hear ya, deep down inside I want another shot at Colorado. Not only cause as of now they are our only loss, but also because there light headed hippie fan base that didn't even sell out the game don't deserve that win. However considering the whoopin that ksu put on them I really don't see it happening. Plus we need someone in the north to get some national love so if and when we beat them in the conference title game it helps us and doesn't do more damage.

Also the if and whens aren't doubt on my part, I have just decided after our last 2 losses to never take a game for granite again.

10/15/2007, 08:03 PM
IN the case of TT vs. Mizzou, we play both teams so it doesn't make a damn bit of difference who wins. I'm pretty sure the computers calculate SOS by comparing total win-loss records of a team's opponents. Either way, one of our opponents will take a loss.

Dan Thompson
10/15/2007, 08:23 PM
I am rooting for Rutgers on Thursday night

10/15/2007, 08:32 PM
Go Sooners!

10/15/2007, 08:41 PM
Best case scenario for us...

Kasnas wins out, and we beat a top-5 Kansas team in the Big12 game.

Mizzou wins out except at Kansas.

Texas wins out.

If that happens, we win the South - even if we lose one more game.

And if we beat Kansas, we'll have 3 wins over teams in the top-12 on our resume.

That sounds about right

10/15/2007, 08:53 PM
I think it helps our computer numbers more if TT wins because they're in the south. I'm sure at least some of the computers (maybe/probably all) factor in not only our opponents records into SOS, but also the records of our opponents opponents. So TT's win would count for our opponents opponents for ALL the other south teams, and Missouri only the one's that they play.

I'm sure it's a very, very small difference when it's all worked out, but if you're REALLY going to be nit-picky every time a south team beats a north team, everyone in the south "wins" in the computers sos factor.

10/15/2007, 08:56 PM
Also -- at least as far as the computers are concerned, it would be better for us if Missouri beats Kansas rather than Kansas winning out just for sos, right?

I recognize that it could be reversed in human polls which are weighed more heavily, though.

10/15/2007, 08:58 PM
The computers look at our opponents and how they fared. So anybody we beat needs to keep on winning but most important of all, we need to take care of our business and what happens, happens, but we won't know what happens until it happens, if it happens. (sorry-love that Kevin Wilson talk).

10/15/2007, 09:18 PM
What we need to happen for our SOS is Mizzou and Kansas to win the rest of their games, and Kansas to beat Mizzou on the last week of the season. This puts KU in the Top 8-10 and a great opponent for the CCG.

I personally will be rooting mostly for OU.
I agree with this moran.:texan:

10/16/2007, 09:56 AM
I root for OU. Period. I'm not a fan of rooting for other teams to make up for a loss from our own team. Whatever happens, happens.

I'm with you.

I do not root for other conference teams except for KU, Tech because I like Manzilla and Leach(OU connection).

I basically root for the underdog v. any ranked team - especially if that ranked team is UTerus, USuc, OK Stink, etc.

10/16/2007, 08:56 PM
Need Tech to beat Mizzou, and KU to win out! That my story!!

10/16/2007, 11:27 PM
Mizzou and Tx Tech. They are OUr most quality opponents remaining. I could care less is Baylor, Iowa State or Pokietown win out or even win again.

I'm sure the Book 'ems will continue to play a cut above their competition like always post-RRS.