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10/11/2007, 11:21 PM
Who is he and why does he make an *** out himself?

Seriously, I see him on every broadcast. Somehow he gets sideline passes to everything. He and his son have been going to OU basketball games for years and make fools out of themselves with their outfits.

I was pleased to see he cut his hair, however.

10/11/2007, 11:26 PM
Fool didn't even know what a land thief is, sheesh

10/11/2007, 11:34 PM
He was drunk...clearly...

10/12/2007, 05:23 AM
I know a thing or two about "representing" the University. I had a nice tasteful costume of blue jeans and a red shirt. I didn't make much of myself, just my cheer. The cheer is what it should be all about, not being stupid and getting on TV. Don't know how many times I was on TV, but I did get a nice interview with BBS at halftime my senior year. Outside of being accused of being drunk early on - which I never was (wrestling matches another thing...), I never called attention to myself outside of standing on the ledge at Lloyd Noble and leading a cheer.

Those young whippersnappers who don't know what I'm talking about, look up the Norman Transcript and Basketball anytime from 1978 to 1982...

10/12/2007, 07:56 AM
If Boomerboy is his son, and "toolness" is a family birthright, we need to resign ourselves to the fact that this schtick will infect OU athletics for many generations.

10/12/2007, 08:07 AM
The guy's name is Jeff Bragg. He owns a hearing aid shop in northwest Oklahoma City. He drives a hoopty Town Car from the early 80s that is covered with OU car flags, magnets, and assorted crap. I think he's trying to be the poor man's Cecil Samara. He has no shot.

Every time I see him out and about, or at a game, I feel unbelievably embarrassed. As mentioned, he somehow gets sideline tickets to everything and makes a fool of himself and his son, generally in front of a camera. He obviously tries to be seen as some sort of fan representative of the programs, or at least a representative of the fan base, and yet totally draws a blank when asked on national television what a "Sooner" is? Absolutely, inexcusably pathetic. What an embarrassment to OU.

10/12/2007, 09:21 AM
The guy's name is Jeff Bragg. He owns a hearing aid shop in northwest Oklahoma City. He drives a hoopty Town Car from the early 80s that is covered with OU car flags, magnets, and assorted crap. I think he's trying to be the poor man's Cecil Samara. He has no shot.

Every time I see him out and about, or at a game, I feel unbelievably embarrassed. As mentioned, he somehow gets sideline tickets to everything and makes a fool of himself and his son, generally in front of a camera. He obviously tries to be seen as some sort of fan representative of the programs, or at least a representative of the fan base, and yet totally draws a blank when asked on national television what a "Sooner" is? Absolutely, inexcusably pathetic. What an embarrassment to OU.

Thank you. My thoughts exactly. Who draws a blank on what a Sooner is????

He and his son make jokes out of themselves so much. I saw him on the sidelines of the OU/Miami games. I think they must stand behind the ABC cameras over by the student section and just beg to get on.

10/12/2007, 09:33 AM
I missed it, when was he asked this "What is a Sooner" question?

I have seend this guy get a mug shot on almost every Football & Basketball game televised for the past 5 years.

Thanks for the background info Big Jed.

10/12/2007, 09:46 AM
Where is our 'new' Cecil? ...... please........ aren't there enough moronic 15 seconds of TV time ( I certainly won't use 'fame') seeking dolts.. someone should kick that guy in the cajones... on camera...

10/12/2007, 09:59 AM
Meh. Every broadcast has crazy fans, I don't think they do anything worse than what you'd find at any college game. They support the team so they can't be all bad in my book.

10/12/2007, 10:07 AM
I missed it, when was he asked this "What is a Sooner" question?

On the Tonight Show last night. Ross the Intern was at OU/tex and interviewed him that Friday night in Dallas.

He blanked on what a Sooner was, and then Boomerboy said something along the lines of how Sooners were "the cheaters in the Land Rush," which although may be true, I prefer to describe Sooners as the ones who simply got there first. Just me.

10/12/2007, 10:31 AM
The guy's name is Jeff Bragg. He owns a hearing aid shop in northwest Oklahoma City. He drives a hoopty Town Car from the early 80s that is covered with OU car flags, magnets, and assorted crap. I think he's trying to be the poor man's Cecil Samara. He has no shot.

Every time I see him out and about, or at a game, I feel unbelievably embarrassed. As mentioned, he somehow gets sideline tickets to everything and makes a fool of himself and his son, generally in front of a camera. He obviously tries to be seen as some sort of fan representative of the programs, or at least a representative of the fan base, and yet totally draws a blank when asked on national television what a "Sooner" is? Absolutely, inexcusably pathetic. What an embarrassment to OU.

Saw him on Leno last night and prayed to God that my family and friends outside of Oklahoma were already asleep or don't watch the show.

Total embarrassment.

10/12/2007, 10:43 AM
When I saw him on Leno last night, I rolled my eyes and thought why couldn't they find someone more normal to talk to. Dude didn't even know what a Sooner was...geesh!

10/12/2007, 10:58 AM
The guy's name is Jeff Bragg. He owns a hearing aid shop in northwest Oklahoma City. He drives a hoopty Town Car from the early 80s that is covered with OU car flags, magnets, and assorted crap. I think he's trying to be the poor man's Cecil Samara. He has no shot.

Every time I see him out and about, or at a game, I feel unbelievably embarrassed. As mentioned, he somehow gets sideline tickets to everything and makes a fool of himself and his son, generally in front of a camera. He obviously tries to be seen as some sort of fan representative of the programs, or at least a representative of the fan base, and yet totally draws a blank when asked on national television what a "Sooner" is? Absolutely, inexcusably pathetic. What an embarrassment to OU.

He donates an enormous amount of time and money to the elderly in Oklahoma, Cleveland and Canadian counties, providing free audiology exams and hearing aids. The Areawide Council on Aging gave him an award for his service to the older folk in the community. He's an audiologist and has a degree in speech pathology. He's not some uneducated hack/loser who has no life.

He's crazy, that's true. He's basically a good dude. A little over the top, but a good dude.

10/12/2007, 11:04 AM
He donates an enormous amount of time and money to the elderly in Oklahoma, Cleveland and Canadian counties, providing free audiology exams and hearing aids. The Areawide Council on Aging gave him an award for his service to the older folk in the community. He's an audiologist and has a degree in speech pathology. He's not some uneducated hack/loser who has no life.

He's crazy, that's true. He's basically a good dude. A little over the top, but a good dude.

Thank you. Stop bashing our own. So a guy is crazy over Sooner sports and shows his love by dressing up and being crazy. So are Duke fans an embarrassment for painting their bodies blue? No. He supports our sports teams (including the ones that alot of you don't). He's there at every game cheering his school on. Is that so bad? No. Give him a break. He's not an embarrassment. He's a fan. He's a good guy. Leave him alone and stop talking crap on him. He does alot more than a lot of fans I see at the games doing. Student section leaving in the third quarter. Fans not being loud. Sorority girls with their backs turned talking about last nights party, etc. Those are the embarrassments.

10/12/2007, 11:04 AM
He donates an enormous amount of time and money to the elderly in Oklahoma, Cleveland and Canadian counties, providing free audiology exams and hearing aids. The Areawide Council on Aging gave him an award for his service to the older folk in the community. He's an audiologist and has a degree in speech pathology. He's not some uneducated hack/loser who has no life.

He's crazy, that's true. He's basically a good dude. A little over the top, but a good dude.

Thank you. Stop bashing our own. So a guy is crazy over Sooner sports and shows his love by dressing up and being crazy. So are Duke fans an embarrassment for painting their bodies blue? No. He supports our sports teams (including the ones that alot of you don't). He's there at every game cheering his school on. Is that so bad? No. Give him a break. He's not an embarrassment. He's a fan. He's a good guy. Leave him alone and stop talking crap on him. He does alot more than a lot of fans I see at the games doing. Student section leaving in the third quarter. Fans not being loud. Sorority girls with their backs turned talking about last nights party, etc. Those are the embarrassments.

10/12/2007, 11:07 AM
His donor seats are rght in front of mine for Women's hoops. He lets us scoot down a row and sit in his seats, and he cheers with the band. He's a very nice man- - but he is a little nutty, so I can see where some people might not like him. That and they might be ****ed he gets choice seats to everything and they don't. ;)

I know it bugs me! But I can't donate that kind of big bucks. I'm just a peon.


10/12/2007, 11:19 AM
what is so embarassing other than the not knowing what a Sooner is? (i get that all the time, btw)

10/12/2007, 11:42 AM


By Hailey Branson • The Oklahoma Daily

Most fans throw on an OU shirt and jeans to wear to OU basketball games. When they enter, they just blend in with the crowd.

Jeff Braggs wears a tail and spends more than two hours getting his face painted. When he enters, the crowd explodes.

Braggs has been Sooner Man for seven years. His job, he said, is to get fans loud and rowdy. He does so by leading cheers, dancing, jumping and throwing items with his Sooner Man emblem into the crowd.

“That’s the idea,” he said, “to get everyone cheering really loudly and get them to have a good time instead of just sitting there saying, ‘Hmm, I think the players are playing quite good.’”

Sooner Man “got his gig” through his son, Jeff Jr., a senior at Putnam City High School, who accompanies him to most games as sidekick Boomer Boy.

Sooner Man went to all of the OU basketball camps his son attended, and, at one of the father-son camps, former men’s basketball coach Kelvin Sampson made the comment that started the tradition.

“He said to me, ‘All of the fans sit on their hands at the games,’” Sooner Man said. “I told him that I had been a season ticket holder for years and that, if he let me on the court, I would be the loudest fan in the gym.”

Within days, a member of the Sooner Club called and asked where he wanted to sit. He told them he would prefer to stand. Now, he stands with the Ruf-Neks and Lil Sises on the baseline for every home game.

“The students are kind enough to let me sit in the big, fat middle with them, and it’s a lot of fun,” he said. “It makes (Boomer Boy and I) feel like part of the game. We’re just thrilled to be that close. We have withdrawals when basketball season is over.”

Sooner Man said he thinks he may stick out a little bit. Kids, he added, follow him around like he is a cartoon character.

For every game, Sooner Man wears a different outfit. He mixes and matches out of an enormous wardrobe set up in his garage consisting of hats, wigs, pins, jackets, capes and, most recently, tails.

“I wear a tail to every game now because I’m wild about the Sooners,” he explained. “The first time I wore it, I got more comments about it than my make-up. My alter ego, Jeff Braggs, does not have a tail, but Sooner Man does. My favorite is the big, long, fluffy white one.”

Sooner Man’s face makeup also changes every game. His wife, Brenda, spends hours applying each new pattern. Sooner Man wears stage makeup, which was recommended by some of his real-life patients who are clowns.

“It doesn’t always come out,” he said. “Sometimes I have a pink tint to my beard.”

Sooner Man does go out in public dressed up, but people do not say hi to him, he said. They either look at him twice and say, “Hey, you’re that guy!” or come up to him and ask how the season is going.

When people ask about the season, Sooner Man said he is always positive.

“I don’t down other teams, I just support ours,” he said. “I’m not a mascot, I’m a fan. I’m just happy to see the games. I don’t die with each loss; I just say it was fun to watch. There will always be another game. There will always be other years.”

Sooner Man said that, though he did not attend OU, he grew up as a Sooner fan. He was never able to attend games, but now that he can, he loves it.

“I am a Sooner 365 days a year,” he said. “I’m just able to be an active Sooner certain seasons (and try to) contribute in my own small way.”

10/12/2007, 11:44 AM
He's no Bikerfox.

10/12/2007, 04:13 PM
He didn't attend OU????
How the hell can he be a Sooner Fan?

10/12/2007, 04:49 PM
Aren't we all just a little loony? That's the fun part of being a fan. Sooners were and are the ones that cross the line a little. We have our traditions but they are evolvable. I can go a long ways with folks who do good deeds.

10/12/2007, 04:58 PM
Aren't we all just a little loony? That's the fun part of being a fan. Sooners were and are the ones that cross the line a little. We have our traditions but they are evolvable. I can go a long ways with folks who do good deeds.

Me too. Better to be a loony and passionate fan in a cape with makeup, who genuinely cares about people (and gives to the school of his choosing) than some random fan who acts like a jackturd in the stands, with poor sportsmanship, insults and all round boorish behavior.

10/12/2007, 05:28 PM
Soonerman > greater than, horsepigs

10/12/2007, 05:35 PM
The guy's name is Jeff Bragg. He owns a hearing aid shop in northwest Oklahoma City. He drives a hoopty Town Car from the early 80s that is covered with OU car flags, magnets, and assorted crap. I think he's trying to be the poor man's Cecil Samara. He has no shot.


I saw that car parked against a curb at Lloyd Noble, while we were walking to the Shuttle for the USU game.

10/12/2007, 05:38 PM
Soonerman > greater than, horsepigs

:D :D :D :D :D

10/12/2007, 06:02 PM
The guy's name is Jeff Bragg. He owns a hearing aid shop in northwest Oklahoma City. He drives a hoopty Town Car from the early 80s that is covered with OU car flags, magnets, and assorted crap. I think he's trying to be the poor man's Cecil Samara. He has no shot.

Every time I see him out and about, or at a game, I feel unbelievably embarrassed. As mentioned, he somehow gets sideline tickets to everything and makes a fool of himself and his son, generally in front of a camera. He obviously tries to be seen as some sort of fan representative of the programs, or at least a representative of the fan base, and yet totally draws a blank when asked on national television what a "Sooner" is? Absolutely, inexcusably pathetic. What an embarrassment to OU.
:mad: :mad: :mad:

10/12/2007, 06:29 PM
Soonerman > greater than, horsepigs
Spek.:D :D :D

10/12/2007, 06:36 PM
The guy's name is Jeff Bragg. He owns a hearing aid shop in northwest Oklahoma City. He drives a hoopty Town Car from the early 80s that is covered with OU car flags, magnets, and assorted crap. I think he's trying to be the poor man's Cecil Samara. He has no shot.

Every time I see him out and about, or at a game, I feel unbelievably embarrassed. As mentioned, he somehow gets sideline tickets to everything and makes a fool of himself and his son, generally in front of a camera. He obviously tries to be seen as some sort of fan representative of the programs, or at least a representative of the fan base, and yet totally draws a blank when asked on national television what a "Sooner" is? Absolutely, inexcusably pathetic. What an embarrassment to OU.

True to some extent. How about that jersey number? #07?

10/12/2007, 07:16 PM
I've seen him at every b-ball game for as long as I can remember, and for as long as I can remember he's worn bright Nebraska red. Nebraska red and doesn't know what a Sooner is. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but come on man.

Partial Qualifier
10/12/2007, 07:24 PM
He needs to stay in the stands. I've never seen him involved with any organized cheering, but plenty of times I've seen him positioning and mugging for the cameras.

Pot-bellied, beer-stained mullet with blinking sunglasses... doesn't know what a Sooner is... kindof the last guy in the world who should be posing as an unofficial mascot of the university (and the state) .. you know?

10/12/2007, 07:35 PM
Not knowing what a Sooner was was quite embaressing.

10/12/2007, 10:57 PM
That is complete horse-****!!! I have always thought Soonerman was kinda neat and that he was just a good hearted fan. But the fact that he does not even know what a Sooner is and he is the pinnacle of Sooner fans is GARBAGE!!! BOOMERBOY IS GARBAGE...MAKES ME WANNA PUKE!!!

I can not tell you how many History lessons I had to give last weekend and they all came with a complimentary *** beating!!! There are a few more texans that know what a Sooner is now that is for sure!!!



The nephew will have the "3/4ths of this show is inakrit" My friend will have the "Don't tase me Corso!!!" sign and I will have the "Curtis Lofton is a man...He's #40!!!" sign!!!

10/12/2007, 11:09 PM
On the Tonight Show last night. Ross the Intern was at OU/tex and interviewed him that Friday night in Dallas.

He blanked on what a Sooner was, and then Boomerboy said something along the lines of how Sooners were "the cheaters in the Land Rush," which although may be true, I prefer to describe Sooners as the ones who simply got there first. Just me.

My reference to "Sooners" is as the entrepreneurial one's...

10/12/2007, 11:24 PM
How can you call yourself a Sooner and not know what one is??? Note to self if doing a interview take the time to learn what you represent.

That's all I have to say, makes me want to puke!!

10/13/2007, 01:27 AM

I kinda like the guy, though. He's a crazy fan with no shame and more pipes than a whole section of old donors.

Crucifax Autumn
10/13/2007, 01:53 AM
Crazy in this context is good, stupid is bad...

I dunno about everyone else here, but I had to take Oklahoma history in school. Is Soonerman from Maine or something?

10/13/2007, 02:08 AM
" My friend will have the "Don't tase me Corso!!!" sign [/QUOTE]

awesome goodness!

Crucifax Autumn
10/13/2007, 02:13 AM
LMAO...I'll watch for it!

10/13/2007, 06:06 AM
May have already been posted in another thread, but just in case:


10/13/2007, 06:11 AM


This one has the intro by Leno

10/13/2007, 07:52 AM
At least he's not out at OU Practices passing around spleefs like Snoop Dogg at SUC.

10/13/2007, 09:16 AM
So an old man dresses like a fool (tail, painted face, etc) and prances around in the student section and Im supposed to think its cute? Im all for getting dressed for games, but come on Kelvin put you in the section to be loud...not dress loud and embarass.

Everyone here knows that if this were some dude WILD about OSU, we would have an icon for him :les:

All that being said, im just embarassed. Im not asking for him to stop. Oh, and he needs to read up on what a Sooner is.

10/13/2007, 11:58 AM
I'm a little taken aback by this thread, Soonerman is a great guy and very passionate about OU sports. I've had several interactions with him throughout the years at women's b-ball games and is a great guy. I just can't believe we are attacking someone that is obviously a huge OU fan; better a big, crazy, OU fan than a casual "fan" who leaves during the 3rd quarter.

10/13/2007, 12:15 PM
Guys, he goes to OU men's basketball games. He's been going to OU basketball games for years. He's a fan, and he's something that team needs.

10/13/2007, 12:21 PM
You'd have to be a fanatic to watch the crap the mens basketball team puts out.

Oh he did NOT just say that.

10/13/2007, 12:23 PM
Something to be said for not being a bandwagon/fair-weather/leave early jackturd.

Just MHO.

10/13/2007, 12:28 PM
hey, all im sayin is the dude makes me roll my eyes every time i see him. Im not saying he should stop or is a stupid fan.

I dont like camera whores.

11/1/2007, 07:58 PM
So, looks like he'll be on the KFOR News tonight at 10.

People are alleging that he's ripping them off. Probably related to his hearing aid business.

11/1/2007, 08:51 PM
I'm a little taken aback by this thread, Soonerman is a great guy and very passionate about OU sports. I've had several interactions with him throughout the years at women's b-ball games and is a great guy. I just can't believe we are attacking someone that is obviously a huge OU fan; better a big, crazy, OU fan than a casual "fan" who leaves during the 3rd quarter.

You're part of one of the most conservative fan bases in the world (cricket and curling aside). Anything that's different, we don't like it. Yea, I include myself... I don't care for the guy's antics either, though I respect his enthusiasm and loyalty.

Read "Who Moved My Cheese?" and you'll get the idea. It's the same reason the horsepigs are on everyone's assasination list. Well, that and they're just dumb looking.

11/1/2007, 08:56 PM
So, looks like he'll be on the KFOR News tonight at 10.

People are alleging that he's ripping them off. Probably related to his hearing aid business.

Someone post a recap for us that live out of state.

11/1/2007, 09:04 PM
Something to be said for not being a bandwagon/fair-weather/leave early jackturd.

Just MHO.

Actually, I think Soonerman is the epitomay of what a bandwagon fan is...I never saw him or heard of him before 2000...In fact, he admitted to not going to games before 2000...Coincidently, that was his first year he crowned "himself" Soonerman...

I dont have a problem with fans jumping on a teams bandwagon, but please, please do not make yourself the fan mascot if you do...And if you are by some chance "THAT" fan, please read up on the Team's history before you decide to crown yourself as a Superfan...Sure, most fans know the teams statistical history, but they do not know the history behind the school and its traditions...

We all know that every team and every state has it's so called "Hillbillys" and in our case rednecks, but please do not glorify it and make the rest of the country believe that is who we are and what we are all about...

I have lived in Norman all my life and have been going to games through the really bad times to support the team and went in the good times to support the teams, but I am not about to dress like an A**clown and embarrass the other 85,000 in the stadium and millions across the country...I have never donated to the Athletic Dept directly, but I did graduate from OU, so in essence, I donated about $40,000 to the fund.

Being an OU fan is living as an OU fan...That means supporting the team when they go 3-8 (thanks Mr. Blake) and when the team goes 13-0...I have to admit, it is much easier to be a fan when your team is the best in the nation, but it takes a true fan to wear an OU shirt in Austin during the off-season after your team goes 3-8 (although I dont recommend it).

So my point is, dont be an ***, cheer for the team when they are playing no matter what the conditions are and represent the University as if you were representing your family...

hOlden caUlfield...
11/1/2007, 09:10 PM
I think he's hilarious and awesome. Even if he didn't know what a sooner was. I feel embarrassed when I watch those dork students on espn trying to talk smack to each other. Most people in the world (especially ones watching ross the intern on leno) don't take football so seriously and laughed because he didn't know. He reminds me of a drunk uncle. He's human.

11/1/2007, 10:17 PM
Someone post a recap for us that live out of state. Mostly, it wasn't as big of a story as they were trying to make it out to be.

He fell behind on rent at his store on 63rd Street and was evicted. He left no forwarding address or anything. People that had pending sales and repairs on their hearing aids were never notified and found an empty office when they wentto the 63rd Street office. He said his "message lady" never gave him any messages and he didn't know how to contact anyone that had pending sales or repairs. But he did admit he should have contacted them and said that he will. He already contacted one of the ladies that was interviewed by KFOR and gave her a full refund.

He also had six complaints against him filed at the Oklahoma Department of Health. They came to agreement with him that made him drop the 'Dr.' title from the front of his name in advertisements. He later violated that, but KFOR said it had been resolved.

I dunno, it didn't sound any different than most small, fly-by-night operations that leave people high and dry. It only really got attention by KFOR because he was 'Soonerman'.

11/2/2007, 12:31 PM
Mostly, it wasn't as big of a story as they were trying to make it out to be.

He fell behind on rent at his store on 63rd Street and was evicted. He left no forwarding address or anything. People that had pending sales and repairs on their hearing aids were never notified and found an empty office when they wentto the 63rd Street office. He said his "message lady" never gave him any messages and he didn't know how to contact anyone that had pending sales or repairs. But he did admit he should have contacted them and said that he will. He already contacted one of the ladies that was interviewed by KFOR and gave her a full refund.

He also had six complaints against him filed at the Oklahoma Department of Health. They came to agreement with him that made him drop the 'Dr.' title from the front of his name in advertisements. He later violated that, but KFOR said it had been resolved.

I dunno, it didn't sound any different than most small, fly-by-night operations that leave people high and dry. It only really got attention by KFOR because he was 'Soonerman'.

Yep, all that attention can come back to bite you. Cant say im shocked. Attn whorre :)

11/2/2007, 12:38 PM
He still came across looking better than the tu "Fo REAL, Baby!!!!" broad in Ross's interview.

11/2/2007, 02:34 PM
Well, if that is Soonerman then what do you call the student(s) with the white T-shirt painted with a red S on the front?

11/2/2007, 03:01 PM

11/2/2007, 03:07 PM
Mostly, it wasn't as big of a story as they were trying to make it out to be.

He fell behind on rent at his store on 63rd Street and was evicted. He left no forwarding address or anything. People that had pending sales and repairs on their hearing aids were never notified and found an empty office when they wentto the 63rd Street office. He said his "message lady" never gave him any messages and he didn't know how to contact anyone that had pending sales or repairs. But he did admit he should have contacted them and said that he will. He already contacted one of the ladies that was interviewed by KFOR and gave her a full refund.

He also had six complaints against him filed at the Oklahoma Department of Health. They came to agreement with him that made him drop the 'Dr.' title from the front of his name in advertisements. He later violated that, but KFOR said it had been resolved.

I dunno, it didn't sound any different than most small, fly-by-night operations that leave people high and dry. It only really got attention by KFOR because he was 'Soonerman'.


11/2/2007, 03:11 PM

11/2/2007, 03:12 PM
Well, if that is Soonerman then what do you call the student(s) with the white T-shirt painted with a red S on the front?


11/2/2007, 03:13 PM
I think he is an a** clown, the end

11/2/2007, 05:30 PM
I've defended this guy in the past because of what I know of him through the Areawide Council on Aging. He has been honored by them for donating time and products to our older folks for a long time. Nice when someone puts others first like that. As someone who both loves and cares for older relatives, it's a blessing.

But this is embarassing and disappointing, no doubt. :confused: :mad:

And I hate his car, BTW.

11/2/2007, 05:38 PM
Guys a Da-weeeb(When it comes to the sooners). Case closed.

11/2/2007, 07:19 PM

I second that, all in favor?

11/2/2007, 07:31 PM
Well, if that is Soonerman then what do you call the student(s) with the white T-shirt painted with a red S on the front?


11/4/2007, 10:49 AM
Actually, I think Soonerman is the epitomay of what a bandwagon fan is...I never saw him or heard of him before 2000...In fact, he admitted to not going to games before 2000...Coincidently, that was his first year he crowned "himself" Soonerman...

I dont have a problem with fans jumping on a teams bandwagon, but please, please do not make yourself the fan mascot if you do...And if you are by some chance "THAT" fan, please read up on the Team's history before you decide to crown yourself as a Superfan...Sure, most fans know the teams statistical history, but they do not know the history behind the school and its traditions...

We all know that every team and every state has it's so called "Hillbillys" and in our case rednecks, but please do not glorify it and make the rest of the country believe that is who we are and what we are all about...

I have lived in Norman all my life and have been going to games through the really bad times to support the team and went in the good times to support the teams, but I am not about to dress like an A**clown and embarrass the other 85,000 in the stadium and millions across the country...I have never donated to the Athletic Dept directly, but I did graduate from OU, so in essence, I donated about $40,000 to the fund.

Being an OU fan is living as an OU fan...That means supporting the team when they go 3-8 (thanks Mr. Blake) and when the team goes 13-0...I have to admit, it is much easier to be a fan when your team is the best in the nation, but it takes a true fan to wear an OU shirt in Austin during the off-season after your team goes 3-8 (although I dont recommend it).

So my point is, dont be an ***, cheer for the team when they are playing no matter what the conditions are and represent the University as if you were representing your family...
My thoughts exactly.

11/4/2007, 12:17 PM
He was on Channel 4 the other day being investigated by In Your Corner for ripping of some old lady who paid for hearing aids and didn't get anything back. As it turns out he was kicked out of his office and had to give up his doctor title or something like that. I'm sure someone else saw that story as well but the dude is a different breed that's for sure!!

11/4/2007, 12:35 PM
A bit of trivia: his company, Bragg's Better Hearing, sponsored Jim Traber's yell intro for his show back in the late '90s. Traber called him "my man Jeff Bragg..."

11/4/2007, 12:37 PM
Oh, and here are some minutes from a meeting (http://www.obespa.state.ok.us/minutes/mar05min.htm) in which the state speech-language pathology and audiology board of examiners discussed their belief that he was practicing audiology without a license and sent him a cease and desist. Interesting Gaylord family angle, BTW.

11/4/2007, 12:47 PM
I never liked that when we NEKS and other hard core basketball fans would get to the games 2+ hours early to stand on the ledges, he and his son would show up like 15 minutes prior to tip off and get to stand in the front row blocking like 6 peoples' views (he's huge). He sponsored a shotgun from us one year and had to be constantly badgered about payment (which he never made in full). He was nice enough to take some of us to Ron's for lunch when we delivered his shotgun, but he literally spent the whole time talking about himself, all his autographed OU stuff, how good he is at golf, etc.

His heart's probably in the right place, but if he really wants to be a a good fan he should camp out to get a good seat at b-ball games like the rest of us and not embarrass the Sooner Nation on national TV. Oh, the investigation of his business doesn't help either. Take it from someone whose been "investigated" recently, there's always a little bit of truth in those kinds of things.

11/4/2007, 01:03 PM
When I saw him on Leno last night, I rolled my eyes and thought why couldn't they find someone more normal to talk to. Dude didn't even know what a Sooner was...geesh!

I'm glad that someone brought this up. What exactly is a Sooner?

Stitch Face
11/4/2007, 01:09 PM
Just watched the news clip. Obviously a bit sensational, but...questionable business practices, running around opening up new businesses when not paying rent/refunds on the last one, not knowing basic things about the team your supposedly fanatical about...

Call me a cynic, but "Sooner Man" looks like a nice (basically free) advertising scheme.

11/4/2007, 01:13 PM
I wish he would convert to being a Purple Tiger....I think he would fit in down there much better.....

11/4/2007, 01:36 PM
Soonerman sidekick sighting at Loyd Noble.
