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10/9/2007, 05:54 AM
October 9, 1967: Professional revolutionary "Che" Guevara is executed in Bolivia


Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, better known to the world as "Che" Guevara, is executed by Bolivian armed forces on this day in 1967. Born in Argentina and raised in a wealthy family, he studied medicine and became a physician but later got bored.

He then became involved in the Guatemalan revolution of the 1950s. It was during this time that he discovered Marxism and became a fervent convert to the philosophy.
In the beginning he was a jolly, happy Marxist

Following the overthrow of the Guatemalan government by a U.S.-sponsored coup in 1954, Guevara traveled to Mexico where he joined up with Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro.

In 1956, Castro, Guevara, and a small band of supporters landed in Cuba intent on overthrowing its government. When the initial attack did not succeed, Che joined Castro and the survivors in the wilds of Cuba, carrying on a guerilla war.

In 1959, the Cuban government fell and Castro seized power. Guevara was put in charge of finance and economic planning for the revolutionary government. In 1960 he published Guerilla Warfare, in which he argued that armed struggle was necessary to free the masses from capitalistic exploitation.
"Hey, this revolution stuff is hard. After you take over, you actually have to run the country and make sure everyone has a enough to eat and stuff"

Eventually, Castro became fearful of Guevara's growing popularity among Cuban Marxists and believed he was a threat to Castro's supreme dictatorial power.
Numero Uno telling Numero Dos a thing or two

No one outside of Cuba knows exactly how it went down, but Guevara was allowed to leave Cuba and he turned up in Bolivia where he began to agitate for revolution. Bolivian government authorities managed to catch him and on this day in 1967 shot him in the head. LBJ was reportedly delighted at the news BTW -- our CIA probably had a little to do with the Bolivian's ability to pretty quickly finger Guevara shortly after his arrival in their country.



I'm quite sure most young people wearing t-shirts with Guevara's image have no idea WTF he was. There is a bit of delicious irony in the fact capitalistic merchants the world over have made a ton putting the most popular symbol of "rebellious youth personified" on things -- most often t-shirts, yet neither Che's estate nor his causes ever got a peso out of the millions made since he was shot between the eyes in Bolivia on this day.

Currently, the Latin American "new school" commies in Venezuala (Chavez)and Bolivia (Morales) lionize Che. It's really kinda sad.

http://aycu04.webshots.com/image/28763/2002193545471011736_rs.jpg (http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2002193545471011736)
Bolivian monument to the commie Castro had eliminated

http://aycu28.webshots.com/image/29907/2002128188759146767_rs.jpg (http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2002128188759146767)
Cuba promotes Che's "cult of personality", reinventing history and ignoring his dust-up and exile by Fidel


10/9/2007, 06:03 AM
This shirt?;)


10/9/2007, 06:04 AM
Oh, look, another!


10/9/2007, 09:57 AM
"Better dead than red," Ernesto?
He wasted his life and medical education on a delusion, and really violent and nasty delusion at that.
The "appeal" of Marxism (like other extremisms): It's a licence to engage in very bad behavior for a "cause."

10/9/2007, 10:10 AM
I always though Hanoi Jane was the sexiest commie....


10/9/2007, 10:46 AM
Commies Aren't Cool.

10/9/2007, 10:54 AM
Commies Aren't Cool.

commies are cool. and by cool I mean: freezing in the winter because their governments don't really do anything for them.

10/9/2007, 11:28 AM
Oh, look, another!

I have that shirt and actually wore it yesterday. It's even the same color. I like to wear it to the mall to confuse the young folks.

I don't look as good in it though.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/9/2007, 11:39 AM
Bully for you, Homey!

10/9/2007, 01:56 PM
I bought this in London


10/9/2007, 02:06 PM
He smiled once....


10/9/2007, 02:07 PM



10/9/2007, 03:05 PM
He's smiling because he just shot someone who disagreed with him.

10/9/2007, 03:07 PM
that is the creepiest beard I have ever seen.

10/9/2007, 08:48 PM
I know people that knew Che. From all accounts, he was an animal that enjoyed inflicting pain on people for fun. Three trips to Cuba, and I still can't get over the brainwashing done there by Fifo. You will actually see crosses with Che's black beret on them. The children sing songs about him, and every wall or side of a building will have his picture on it.

After he was shot by CIA-backed Bolivian troops, his hands were cut off and mailed to Fifo. The CIA sent a strong message to Fidel of what they would do to him if they ever caught him outside of Cuba. Fifo felt threatened by Che's popularity and "encouraged" him to leave Cuba and forment revolution in Africa and then South America.

As you research the last days of Che's life, it is clear that Fifo knew he was in dire straights in Bolivia, but did nothing to help him or give him support. Che's death was just as much a relief to Fifo as it was to the CIA/US government.

Every time I see a Che shirt on some upper-middle class white kid, I ask them if they know they're wearing the shirt of a known murderer of innocent men and women. I then ask them why don't they wear a shirt with Pol Pot or Hitler's picture on it as well. They always look at me like they are totally confused. Go figure.

10/9/2007, 10:53 PM
What I find ironic is how he has become the "symbol of communism" but yet there are capitalists everywhere making money of of his image. I think it is pretty funny. There was an NY Times article about this subject in the Austin paper today.

Statesman.com - A communist he was, but today, Che sells (http://www.statesman.com/search/content/news/stories/world/10/09/1009che.html)

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/10/2007, 12:31 AM
What I find ironic is how he has become the "symbol of communism" but yet there are capitalists everywhere making money of of his image. I think it is pretty funny. There was an NY Times article about this subject in the Austin paper today.

Statesman.com - A communist he was, but today, Che sells (http://www.statesman.com/search/content/news/stories/world/10/09/1009che.html) He sells because the media and the schools haven't done much to point out what a ghoulish person he really was. Why is that?

10/10/2007, 10:13 AM
He sells because the media and the schools haven't done much to point out what a ghoulish person he really was. Why is that?
Because he was a good leftist. They gotsta stick together.