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10/8/2007, 08:54 AM
But there's not much to do about it, I guess, unless I just want to be a wienie and make 'em send collections after me.

I got a bill from OU housing for a $175 "cancellation fee" because my daughter advised them 2 weeks past the June 15 deadline that she was not going to OU after all. $#!& !! A lady named H______ assured me it was "in the contract" and that she wouldn't cut me any slack "because then I'd have to do it for everybody." :rolleyes: If daughter's not chosing OU was an injury to me, this bill certainly added an insult. :(

Even if H______ is right, she's wrong.

I suppose I'll pay, but it hurts. :mad:

That is all.

10/8/2007, 09:13 AM
As long as no member of your family ever wants to go to OU again, screw 'em! :)

10/8/2007, 09:29 AM
As long as no member of your family ever wants to go to OU again, screw 'em! :)
I started to threaten: "Oh yeah?! Well now my OTHER daughter will NEVER go to OU, so THERE !!"

But that was even lamer than begging.

Sooner Born Sooner Bred
10/8/2007, 09:45 AM
Sorry, I was just doing my job.

10/8/2007, 10:27 AM
I suppose my daughter will pay, but it hurts. :mad:

This is how you should rectify the situation. She's the one who advised them late. She's the one that should bear the responsibility.

10/8/2007, 10:39 AM
Sorry, I was just doing my job.
Cranky 'cuz the garage door won't open?

10/8/2007, 10:42 AM
This is how you should rectify the situation. She's the one who advised them late. She's the one that should bear the responsibility.

Using that logic, I should still pay half, though. Sort of a "detrimental reliance" theory.

10/8/2007, 10:43 AM
Using that logic, I should still pay half, though. Sort of a "detrimental reliance" theory.

shrug, pay whatever portion you're responsible for. But I doubt it's 100%.

Just be careful about issuing blank checks. In my experience, students tend to do better in school when school has some cost for them.

10/8/2007, 10:46 AM
Heh, and by that, I literally mean "my experience." ;)

First time, parents paid for everything. Result: 0.99 GPA over four semesters, flunked out.

This time, I paid for a lot (over $100k at this point, if you include living expenses). Result: 3.4 GPA, bachelors degree, masters degree, and working on MBA.

10/8/2007, 10:52 AM
shrug, pay whatever portion you're responsible for. But I doubt it's 100%.

Just be careful about issuing blank checks. In my experience, students tend to do better in school when school has some cost for them.
True dat!
But "fortunately" I have no blank checks to issue. :D

10/8/2007, 10:55 AM
I think that if I ever have a kid, I'll start up a college fund for him/her when s/he's young.

And the funds only get released at graduation ;)

10/8/2007, 10:58 AM
Make her foot the entire $175. If she's old enough to attend/not attend college, and old enough to make an expensive decision...she's more than old enough to pay through the nose for it.

Unless you like wasting $175 and sowing the seeds for more of it down the line.

But I'm a *itch, so...

10/8/2007, 11:00 AM
Unless you like wasting $175 and sowing the seeds for more of it down the line.

You are not kidding. I did this to my parents for as long as they let me. I was an ungrateful little ****.

Once I had to start paying my own way, I learned better.

10/8/2007, 12:41 PM
Make her foot the entire $175. If she's old enough to attend/not attend college, and old enough to make an expensive decision...she's more than old enough to pay through the nose for it.

Unless you like wasting $175 and sowing the seeds for more of it down the line.

But I'm a *itch, so...

I agree with that in part; I'll let you guess which part. :D

If I had placed full responsibility for all of these decisions on her, I would indeed expect her to pay. But I didn't give her that much liberty. It would be immensely hypocritical of me to preach to her about her responsibility if I didn't accept mine.

But rest assured, all ye parenting know-it-alls, philosophers, and free-advice-dispensers, she is working and contributing to the cause. And she is constantly reminded that (1) she is blessed to have what she has (including the parents she has), and (2) she must shun the delusion that she is entitled to stuff just because her rich friends have it. As wiser folk than I have said: The surest way to a miserable life is to measure your happiness by what other people have.

10/8/2007, 01:12 PM
Darlin', I'm not trying to be a "parentingknowitall"...none of us can be. Parenting is THE hardest role we can ever have. No one is trying to criticize. We're trying to help. That being said...This is the SO. You put it out there, we respond and when the tables are turned, we stretch it out and you answer too.

What actually do you think is "your" part? ALL expenses? If that's so, and you are willing (not to mention able) to foot the bill, no matter what decisions she makes, and what bills she incurs because of them while in school...by all means, pay 'em. We might not agree with you. And maybe we don't because we might have gone that route and don't want a fellow parent to suffer like we have. Don't just suppose it's because I'm a bitch. Maybe what I have to say is actually worthwhile. It might save you, and her, some stuff down the road.

Forget the opposing views. Whip out your Visa and pay it. It doesn't make a bit of difference to me, dear, she isn't mine. But if there's a next time, don't expect to put it out here and not get flak.

It's all good. God bless the both of you. Lord know we parents and our kids need it.

10/8/2007, 01:34 PM
TU, you suck as a parent so I'm calling DHS on you.
