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View Full Version : Padres get Oregoned - Kurkjian is a Moron

10/1/2007, 11:58 PM
Tim Kurkjian - a pretty good baseball analyst just said the most idiotic thing I've ever heard.

On the topic of replay- 10/1/2007 on Sportscenter - more specifically on the Padres/Rockies Safe Call:

"I'm not a replay guy in baseball. Let's assume for a second that they go replay this. We've got an entire stadium in Colorado; exploding around everone, I mean, they haven't been in the playoffs since 1995, and then they say: Now Wait a minute - we've got to go into a booth for 10 minutes and decide if you're still allowed to celebrate?" I'm sorry. The spontaneity of it is much more important than getting something like this right. And I'm not saying it's right or wrong - I'm saying through replay you might not even be able to tell if he touched the plate. I just like it that human beings are still running the game."





10/2/2007, 08:32 AM
I think the play was inconclusive.

But that is absolutely the kind of idiotic, stick in the mud thinking that I can't stand from so-called baseball traditionalists.

10/2/2007, 11:03 AM
I like Tim, but I didn't like that.

Colorado got oregoned earlier on a home run.

10/2/2007, 12:16 PM
Baseball does not need Instant Replay IMO accept on homeruns being fair/foul or over the fence or not. The plays at the plate, bases, and the such are part of the game and I would hate to see replay in baseball beyond what I mentioned

10/2/2007, 12:26 PM
I'm not really in favor of using replay for close plays at the plate or on the base paths. More often than not, the umps get the calls right on those plays because they are right there in position to look at the play.

It absolutely does need to be used for home runs, though, whatwith the special circumstances that different parks present.

Or what Collier just said.

10/2/2007, 01:07 PM
It's not even close to get "Oregoned"

The Oregon situation had replay, and they still got it wrong.

10/2/2007, 01:34 PM
Colleyville is right..........That's like one guy saying "I have cancer" and the next one saying "that's nothing I have a cold".

10/2/2007, 01:54 PM
Like Grapevine said, it was close and it appeared to me that he was out but even with the slo-mo replays I didnt see anything that told me 100% that he was out and missed the plate

10/2/2007, 03:49 PM
Its kind of interesting to see this situation from two different perspectives. Im a Rockies fan, and needless to say a sooner fan also. I thought it was inconclusive enough it wouldn't have been overturned by replay. I understand any frustration by a Padre fan, but the game might have been over already had another call not been blown earlier in the game. Its unfortunate this happens, but it wasn't like Oregon.

I do agree the guy sounded like a moron though. He basically said he doesn't care if a call is blown. Let the team with the least blown calls win!

10/2/2007, 03:53 PM
If the ump calls him out, the bases are empty, the game is still tied, and there's still only two outs.

Obviously, we'll never know what would have happened. But as I threw out there in the MLB Playoffs thread, Hoffman wasn't fooling anybody with his stuff last night.

He gave up two hard hits balls to the alley, one off the wall in right, and a screaming liner to left that turned into the game winning sacrifice fly.

Make of that what you will.

With Oregon, OU simply kneels down three times and the game is over. So no, the comparison doesn't quite fit.

10/2/2007, 04:08 PM
If the ump calls him out, the bases are empty, the game is still tied, and there's still only two outs.

Obviously, we'll never know what would have happened. But as I threw out there in the MLB Playoffs thread, Hoffman wasn't fooling anybody with his stuff last night.

He gave up two hard hits balls to the alley, one off the wall in right, and a screaming liner to left that turned into the game winning sacrifice fly.

Make of that what you will.

With Oregon, OU simply kneels down three times and the game is over. So no, the comparison doesn't quite fit.

Actually, Helton was on first after the intentional walk. I can't remember if he tagged and headed for second on the play.

10/2/2007, 04:38 PM
I'm sure cardinals' fans would like to see replay as far as 'close' calls at the bases go....1985.

10/2/2007, 04:40 PM
I'm sure cardinals' fans would like to see replay as far as 'close' calls at the bases go....1985.

NOt really, I am a huge Cards fan but i don't want replay in baseball in that form. The problem with that play is that the umpire was just flat out incompetent on that play, it wasn't even close and he still missed it. That is something where the home plate umpire should have stepped in!

10/2/2007, 05:04 PM
If the ump calls him out, the bases are empty, the game is still tied, and there's still only two outs.

Obviously, we'll never know what would have happened. But as I threw out there in the MLB Playoffs thread, Hoffman wasn't fooling anybody with his stuff last night.

He gave up two hard hits balls to the alley, one off the wall in right, and a screaming liner to left that turned into the game winning sacrifice fly.

Make of that what you will.

With Oregon, OU simply kneels down three times and the game is over. So no, the comparison doesn't quite fit.

Not to mention the fact that, you know, we DID recover the kick.

It would almost be like if they could only replay whether or not he left third base before the ball was caught. If replay showed that (a) he did leave early and (b) he never touched home plate, but they still awarded the run...THAT, my friends, would be getting Oregoned.

10/2/2007, 11:30 PM
I do agree the guy sounded like a moron though. He basically said he doesn't care if a call is blown. Let the team with the least blown calls win!

THIS is what I was talking about. Right here - nothing more. I'm a Dodgers fan - I could care less about either of these teams. It's just about what he said.

And, you're all right - saying that they got Oregoned is probably the largest overstatement of the year.

I personally liked the cancer=cold analogy

10/3/2007, 06:57 AM
It's not "Oregoned" it's "Ducked".

They got "Ducked". ;)

10/3/2007, 10:28 AM
I was fortunate enough to be at the game, and there are two things to consider:

A. We were hosed earlier on the homerun call (or lack of). I was in right field and could clearly see the ball was over the wall. But, I didn't complain much, because it's baseball, and that kind of stuff happens.

B. I've seen the replay hundreds of times. Not to mention photos from every possible angle. I can't tell if Holliday touched home plate or not. If a slow motion replay can't tell you, then it's hard to blame an ump that had to make a judgment call in a split second. Could have gone either way.

As mentioned earlier, even if they get the out, we have Helton on base with ONE out. Chances are good that he gets driven home and we win ayway.

As a Rockie fan, I am obviously very happy with the outcome, so I guess that makes my viewpoint biased.

10/3/2007, 10:35 AM
As mentioned earlier, even if they get the out, we have Helton on base with ONE out. Chances are good that he gets driven home and we win ayway.

As a Rockie fan, I am obviously very happy with the outcome, so I guess that makes my viewpoint biased.

Two outs. It was a line out that he tagged on...

10/3/2007, 11:22 AM
They should've just done a do-over. That's how we used to do it on the playground when we couldn't agree on a close play.

10/3/2007, 01:18 PM
They should've just done a do-over. That's how we used to do it on the playground when we couldn't agree on a close play.

but werent you always the fat kid that didnt get picked anyways??? ;) :D