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View Full Version : Why don't people use logic anymore?

10/1/2007, 12:40 PM
OU lost. Every year, almost every team does. Most, especially the ones ranked high, lose to teams ranked below them. We call them the underdogs. It happens every year to almost every team.

Why then are we so upset and ready to throw everyone under the bus when it happens to OU?

How come our team has played so far above our pre-season expectations for four games and we love them, then they play one bad game and we're ready for a complete overhaul of every starter?

How come OU plays four great games and some "fans" are touting us as National Title contenders, and then OU plays one lousy game and those same people are now saying we suck and our coaches suck, and our players suck?

When did one game become the barometer of an entire season over four games already played?

Why can't this game be taken for what it really is...a great game played by Colorado, an underdog, who did more in THIS game to win than OU did?

Why can't it be that our players just didn't play very well THIS game, but are still pretty darn good players based off the entire season?

Why is that? I know the season is still pretty young, but I can't for the life of me see how anyone can say anything other than "This is a good football team that didn't play very well in their last game".

Give Colorado a ton of respect...they played great. They had a lot to do with the outcome of the game.

But sometimes great teams don't play great. Doesn't make them bad, just means they are beatable.

It doesn't mean they'll get beat from here on out. It just means what we already knew before the season even began...we have to play well every game or we can lose. Which we already knew, but apparently some people have chosen to forget.

10/1/2007, 12:42 PM
the best team does not always win. that's my motto.:)

10/1/2007, 12:48 PM
Q sucks.


10/1/2007, 12:51 PM
what is this 'logic' of which you speak?

10/1/2007, 12:51 PM
Bring back the "I hate Nate" threads! ;)

10/1/2007, 12:51 PM
good post micco. if one of the 3 facets of the game were off, like the offense for example, the defense and special teams could have helped us win. this was a case where all 3 facets were bad, and off their game. its tough to win on the road in conference when all 3 facets of the game are off. i thought the defense played great for the most part on first and second down. CU made their hay on third down (and eventually fourth down) and that also hurt.

10/1/2007, 12:51 PM
I agree. It's pretty obvious we aren't as good as we hoped, but we're not as bad as we looked on Saturday, either. I don't feel any better or worse about this week than I would have had we won by three touchdowns up there. We had a pretty good year last year, and this team is better.

Desert Sapper
10/1/2007, 12:56 PM
I'd rather lose in Boulder than lose in Dallas. Here's to bringing the wood to the whorns this weekend.

10/1/2007, 12:58 PM
i think the coaches, players, etc are going to be kicking themselves if OU comes into the ****** game showing only the one loss...then going on to destroy the aggies

10/1/2007, 01:00 PM
This is a message board. Logic and reason don't belong in this place.

10/1/2007, 01:52 PM
This is a message board. Logic and reason don't belong in this place.

that's too logical a statement for this place, could you re-word it somewhat?
maybe throw in a "fire somebody" somewhere.

10/1/2007, 01:56 PM
OU lost. Every year, almost every team does. Most, especially the ones ranked high, lose to teams ranked below them. We call them the underdogs. It happens every year to almost every team.

Why then are we so upset and ready to throw everyone under the bus when it happens to OU?

How come our team has played so far above our pre-season expectations for four games and we love them, then they play one bad game and we're ready for a complete overhaul of every starter?

How come OU plays four great games and some "fans" are touting us as National Title contenders, and then OU plays one lousy game and those same people are now saying we suck and our coaches suck, and our players suck?

When did one game become the barometer of an entire season over four games already played?

Why can't this game be taken for what it really is...a great game played by Colorado, an underdog, who did more in THIS game to win than OU did?

Why can't it be that our players just didn't play very well THIS game, but are still pretty darn good players based off the entire season?

Why is that? I know the season is still pretty young, but I can't for the life of me see how anyone can say anything other than "This is a good football team that didn't play very well in their last game".

Give Colorado a ton of respect...they played great. They had a lot to do with the outcome of the game.

But sometimes great teams don't play great. Doesn't make them bad, just means they are beatable.

It doesn't mean they'll get beat from here on out. It just means what we already knew before the season even began...we have to play well every game or we can lose. Which we already knew, but apparently some people have chosen to forget.

I agree with you except for the part where you stated that CU played great. I thought that they played mediocre and we just stunk the game up, giving them 2 INT's, 1 punt return fumble, and 1-2 stupid penalties. Did I mention that Lofton had the INT right in his hand and that play right there swings momentum to our side.

CU didn't play great, they just took the football that OU gave them on a silver platter.

10/1/2007, 02:10 PM
OU lost. Every year, almost every team does. Most, especially the ones ranked high, lose to teams ranked below them. We call them the underdogs. It happens every year to almost every team.

Why then are we so upset and ready to throw everyone under the bus when it happens to OU?

How come our team has played so far above our pre-season expectations for four games and we love them, then they play one bad game and we're ready for a complete overhaul of every starter?................................

Because we know what they're capable of and its frustrating when they play below that level. When people are frustrated, they vent. Its human nature. Its not that big of a deal to me when we get beat by a team thats better than us. Thats not what happened last Saturday.

10/1/2007, 02:15 PM
Where's the old Sooner Magic? Where's the inherent belief that SOMEONE will make a play? It's missing and I want to know who stole it dammit.

Outside of Superman and Chet's oskie in the Holiday Bowl, when has someone stood up and made a deciding play when it really counted? Marcus' pick in the Fiesta Bowl could've been, but it was immediately outtrumped by the Hook and Ladder and Statue O' Liberty.

The Sugar Bowl? T-Tech? Oregon? Boise? Colorado? Even with the bad calls and hometown crowds, these games are won if we make one play.

Someone, anyone, show some sack and make a damn play when it counts.

10/1/2007, 02:24 PM
Well.....I say it because Venables has not shown any ability to stop anybody when we really need to during his tenure not just this season, but every season since he's been here. And I say it because I can clearly see that our defensive scheme is pretty easy to exploit and that we are afraid to man up on teams that have inferior offensive skill players when we're athletically superior to them. I've also had to witness a defensive backfield now that always, year in and year out, seems lost, busts coverages, gets burned deep, and looks completely lost on the field no matter what caliber of athletes we have out there or how crappy the team we're playing is.

I also say that because I've now watched Kevin Wilson for three seasons in a row get a lead on the road and then go into a shell (grinder mentality) and just run the ball into the pile while not utilizing the weapons at his disposal. I haven't seen anything remotely imaginative from this man and it looks to me like he just dusted off the same playbook Chuck Long left on the table and went from there. Kevin Wilson is not an offensive mind nor was Chuck Long. We need proven commodites at the coordinator positions, not Bob's "buddies".

Just my opinion....

10/1/2007, 02:38 PM
And yet we're reigning Big Twelve champs.

And we've only lost one game this year. So if we've sucked so bad in the past, our record will reflect that. Let's see:

2000 - 0 losses
2001 - 2 losses
2002 - 2 losses
2003 - 2 losses
2004 - 1 losses
2005 - 4 losses
2006 - 3 losses

Fourteen losses in seven years. Fourteen. And four conference championships. And a National Championship. Name a school outside of USC that has had more success than that.

Are there some things that need to be fixed? You bet. Did this game show case that, or was it an anomoly with this team? Not sure, but I can't see where this game takes precedence over our other games as the measuring stick of our season.

Do I hate to lose to a "lesser" opponent? Sure. I hate to lose to a "more" opponent. I hate to lose. But before the season, most people thought we'd struggle with a new QB. But we didn't. And that raised our expectatios some. But after one bad game, we're back to "we're going to struggle this year". Why? Because of one game? Doesn't make sense.

But some of you people would have benched Billy Sims for his fumble against Nebraska in '78. And taken away his Heisman. And talked about how we sucked, even though we'd just won back-to-back championships a few years before that. After one game.

Scott D
10/1/2007, 02:42 PM
because if more people used logic, they would be able to hide the fact that a majority of them are just morons.

10/1/2007, 02:47 PM
Harken back with me, people, those of you who can, and the rest of you just read. In 1972, the Sooners were pretty good that year, too. Lost all of one game . . . to the Puffs in Boulder. That was the infamous wet field game, where on astroturf, water was visibly splashing everytime an athlete's foot hit the ground. Why they had to water the astroturf was a mystery but it worked. The high-powered Sooner ground game was held to a season low output. Oklahoma finished 11-1 that year.

10/1/2007, 02:49 PM
It's more popular to stomp and cry.

Everyone just wants to be cool

10/1/2007, 02:50 PM
I cannot speak for others, but my self-esteem is tied to how the Sooners do. If they win, then I being a fan am superior to all fans of other teams. But if they lose, then I am inferior to those other fans. I also become depressed even though whether they win or lose does not affect my income or belongings, my family relationships, or my relationship with God. Also, I like the fact that while once a mediocre high school football player at best I can live vicariously through 18 - 21 year olds and believe that could have been me scoring the td or making the interception. Also, with my vast knowledge of football I could have easily made the correct call from the sidelines and my gameplan would have been perfect. Therefore, I get upset when these players and coaches fail to live up to my standards.

But the main reason is because that's the way my father was and I learned it from him.

;) :)

10/1/2007, 02:51 PM
Harken back with me, people, those of you who can, and the rest of you just read. In 1972, the Sooners were pretty good that year, too. Lost all of one game . . . to the Puffs in Boulder. That was the infamous wet field game, where on astroturf, water was visibly splashing everytime an athlete's foot hit the ground. Why they had to water the astroturf was a mystery but it worked. The high-powered Sooner ground game was held to a season low output. Oklahoma finished 11-1 that year.
What were they saying on the message boards after that loss?

Scott D
10/1/2007, 02:51 PM
you must be that one guy that sits near that other guy two rows in front of that guy.

Stoop Dawg
10/1/2007, 02:51 PM
I haven't really seen much of what you describe. Maybe the mods deleted a lot of those threads? I don't know.

Why do you think that one or two people saying "fire somebody" represents our entire fan base?

I still fully expect to hand Texas their ***, win the Big 12, and play in a BCS bowl (hopefully for another NC). But then again, I'm a homer.

10/1/2007, 02:58 PM
So it's logical to not be upset when OU loses to a 2-2 mediocre team in a game that they held a a 17 point leasd in the 3rd quarter while not even attempting to get the ball to their best offensive player?

What's not logical is the notion that fans will pay $100 a ticket to watch a group of 18 to 22 year old men play a game without some emotinal investment in the team. Since people are willing to pay that, as well as contribute thousands of dollars for the privilige to pay high ticket prices, one would have to assume that the games probably carry a great deal of meaning to those fans.

If you understand that then I think it's a bit naive to question why these same individuals would get upset when their team plays in a less than satisfactory way.

A comparison would be if a person were a big theater buff and paid $100 a pop for his family to see a play. If the play sucked I guarantee you there would be a bunch of unhappy theater patrons.

10/1/2007, 03:01 PM
You do know that fans of crappy teams have to pay for their ticket too don't you?

10/1/2007, 03:07 PM
You do know that fans of crappy teams have to pay for their ticket too don't you?

And I'm quite sure they have the attendance and donor base that OU currently has. :rolleyes:

I've got my season tickets thanks to John Blake. Walked right in and ordered season tickets. Didn't have to donate a dime. Try doing that now.

10/1/2007, 03:08 PM
You do know that fans of crappy teams have to pay for their ticket too don't you?

yeah, but they get to see other things at the games too like the world's largest man on the sideline, an oversized headed cowboy that shoots pistols, and they get to wave their hands in the air.

Animal Mother
10/1/2007, 03:22 PM
Why don’t people use logic? Frank Vincent Zappa had an answer for you.

Some Scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is
so plentiful, is the basic building block of the
universe. I dispute that. I say there is more
stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic
building block of the universe.

Stoop Dawg
10/1/2007, 03:24 PM
You do know that fans of crappy teams have to pay for their ticket too don't you?

You do know that fans of crappy teams get upset when they lose to teams that are even more crappy don't you?

Scott D
10/1/2007, 03:24 PM
So it's logical to not be upset when OU loses to a 2-2 mediocre team in a game that they held a a 17 point leasd in the 3rd quarter while not even attempting to get the ball to their best offensive player?

What's not logical is the notion that fans will pay $100 a ticket to watch a group of 18 to 22 year old men play a game without some emotinal investment in the team. Since people are willing to pay that, as well as contribute thousands of dollars for the privilige to pay high ticket prices, one would have to assume that the games probably carry a great deal of meaning to those fans.

If you understand that then I think it's a bit naive to question why these same individuals would get upset when their team plays in a less than satisfactory way.

A comparison would be if a person were a big theater buff and paid $100 a pop for his family to see a play. If the play sucked I guarantee you there would be a bunch of unhappy theater patrons.

There's a far cry between being upset over a team playing with a less than satisfactory result, and all but diving off the deep end using venting to justify it. I'd expect as an individual in the medical profession you'd recognize the difference.

Stoop Dawg
10/1/2007, 03:27 PM
I'd expect as an individual in the medical profession you'd recognize the difference.

So, when someone is clearly frustrated over something, what you want to do is go ahead and needle them some more?

That should clear up any bickering that may be going on. Good job.

Scott D
10/1/2007, 03:32 PM
Oh believe me, my comment has little to no impact on any bellyaching anyone else is going to do on this forum.

About the only way one gets that kind of impact is to either straightforward or in smartass roundabout ways call someone an a-hole, a jackass, a waste of sperm, "the best part of you ran down your mother's leg", etc...

10/1/2007, 05:00 PM
I cannot speak for others, but my self-esteem is tied to how the Sooners do. If they win, then I being a fan am superior to all fans of other teams. But if they lose, then I am inferior to those other fans. I also become depressed even though whether they win or lose does not affect my income or belongings, my family relationships, or my relationship with God. Also, I like the fact that while once a mediocre high school football player at best I can live vicariously through 18 - 21 year olds and believe that could have been me scoring the td or making the interception. Also, with my vast knowledge of football I could have easily made the correct call from the sidelines and my gameplan would have been perfect. Therefore, I get upset when these players and coaches fail to live up to my standards.

But the main reason is because that's the way my father was and I learned it from him.

;) :)

Well see there, now ya go using that logic stuff again.

Which is clearly not the purpose of this thread.


10/1/2007, 06:00 PM
that's too logical a statement for this place, could you re-word it somewhat?
maybe throw in a "fire somebody" somewhere.



10/1/2007, 06:12 PM
sunshine pumpers vs doom and gloomers


you don't tell me to not be disapointed after a loss and I won't tell you to not be happy after a win. To each his own. I think it's pretty stupid to write all these posts because somebody didn't react they way you wanted them too.
Me I was disapointed I understand people jump up and bite you, typically it's not a 21 point underdog, or not using the best player on your team. It'd be like not giving AD any touches and using him as a decoy.
Look just about everyone knows how everyone reacts after losses these well thought out posts don't change that fact.
Everyone should know that when we lose and even when we win close, I get ticked, I act like a whiney, bitchy, crybaby. I don't think I've called for anyone's job, and I'm over it and ready for the next game by Monday, and I'll be in Big D on Friday ready to watch my Sooners again. Gawd I love college football.

10/1/2007, 06:16 PM
sunshine pumpers vs doom and gloomers

pure BS.

You can be level headed without pumping sunshine or being doom and gloom.

This thread isn't about the extremes. It's about the middle ground.

10/1/2007, 06:27 PM
pure BS.

You can be level headed without pumping sunshine or being doom and gloom.

This thread isn't about the extremes. It's about the middle ground.

with all due respect I think if you're happy about losing, or want to rationalize this loss it's probably sunshine pumpers. I'm pretty level headed after the game, I watched good boxing match, hung out with my kids had a nice rest of the day.
On the other hand if your calling for jobs you're probably a doom and gloomer.

Bob Stoops needs us internet guys defending him about as much as Brad Pitt needs our support to get laid.

10/1/2007, 06:30 PM
It's possible to be disappointed in the loss and even discuss the reasons for it without acting like a crybaby.

This isn't about defending Bob. It's about showing some maturity and reason.

10/1/2007, 06:31 PM
Heres my take on the game. We stunk up the joint against an inferior team, we should have beat them by at least our spread, we had a 24-7 lead and gave it away. No excuses!
Now, someone early said that it happen's every year to almost every team, this is true. its extremely hard to go undefeated in a season for any team, all it takes is a few bad breaks and $hit starts rolling down hill, OU's prolem saturday was that they couldnt stop the $hit ball. i hate it, it sucks, but it happens. we only dropped to #10 and there are still 7 regular season games left to play. theres too much that can happen in the next 6-7 weeks for me to even count out the nc game. call me crazy, but what team this year has looked so dominate that they cant have a colorado game at any point in the season? no team that ive seen this year.

10/1/2007, 06:35 PM
you could go ahead and send this over to the michigan, florida, or texas boards. all lost to "inferior" teams. those other teams lost at home.

John Kochtoston
10/1/2007, 06:37 PM
OU lost. Every year, almost every team does. Most, especially the ones ranked high, lose to teams ranked below them. We call them the underdogs. It happens every year to almost every team.

Why then are we so upset and ready to throw everyone under the bus when it happens to OU?

How come our team has played so far above our pre-season expectations for four games and we love them, then they play one bad game and we're ready for a complete overhaul of every starter?

How come OU plays four great games and some "fans" are touting us as National Title contenders, and then OU plays one lousy game and those same people are now saying we suck and our coaches suck, and our players suck?

When did one game become the barometer of an entire season over four games already played?

Why can't this game be taken for what it really is...a great game played by Colorado, an underdog, who did more in THIS game to win than OU did?

Why can't it be that our players just didn't play very well THIS game, but are still pretty darn good players based off the entire season?

Why is that? I know the season is still pretty young, but I can't for the life of me see how anyone can say anything other than "This is a good football team that didn't play very well in their last game".

Give Colorado a ton of respect...they played great. They had a lot to do with the outcome of the game.

But sometimes great teams don't play great. Doesn't make them bad, just means they are beatable.

It doesn't mean they'll get beat from here on out. It just means what we already knew before the season even began...we have to play well every game or we can lose. Which we already knew, but apparently some people have chosen to forget.

Your request that people use logic and reason on a message board is not logical.



10/1/2007, 06:39 PM
It's possible to be disappointed in the loss and even discuss the reasons for it without acting like a crybaby.

This isn't about defending Bob. It's about showing some maturity and reason.

you're almost acting like a crybaby over your right to sunshine pump :D

O.K lets have a rash and sophisticated dialogue about the game. What do you feel were the socialogical, environmental, and even economical reasons leading up to this unpleasant treatment of our Sooners. Please discuss in your answer prior histories, point threads, inappropriate tactics.

While you're answering this here's why we lost
Special Teams
Poor game plan by coaches.

10/1/2007, 06:47 PM

10/1/2007, 06:50 PM


10/1/2007, 06:52 PM
he knows he loves me

10/1/2007, 06:53 PM
like a root canal..........;)

10/1/2007, 06:54 PM
I can handle getting beat and playing our best. But to just hand them the game several times on a silver platter really stinks.

10/1/2007, 06:57 PM
like a root canal..........;)

they give you drugs for a root canal, I'm pure unadulterated, unfiltered annoyance. :D

10/1/2007, 06:58 PM
gloom and doom pumper

10/1/2007, 07:04 PM

10/1/2007, 07:06 PM
tommie......it's just a matter of time before usmc and myself both neg you to bolivia. ;)

10/1/2007, 07:17 PM
Uhh... ok...

10/1/2007, 08:40 PM
tommie......it's just a matter of time before usmc and myself both neg you to bolivia. ;)

Would you QUIT IT!
I just about figured out where Oblivion is, thanks to the friendly people on SO.

Now, you throw out someother equally weird place like bolivia!

10/1/2007, 08:48 PM
Would you QUIT IT!
I just about figured out where Oblivion is, thanks to the friendly people on SO.

Now, you throw out someother equally weird place like bolivia!

While you're at it, find Timbuktu, and the Iraq.

10/1/2007, 09:27 PM
Well.....I say it because Venables has not shown any ability to stop anybody when we really need to during his tenure not just this season, but every season since he's been here. And I say it because I can clearly see that our defensive scheme is pretty easy to exploit and that we are afraid to man up on teams that have inferior offensive skill players when we're athletically superior to them. I've also had to witness a defensive backfield now that always, year in and year out, seems lost, busts coverages, gets burned deep, and looks completely lost on the field no matter what caliber of athletes we have out there or how crappy the team we're playing is.

I also say that because I've now watched Kevin Wilson for three seasons in a row get a lead on the road and then go into a shell (grinder mentality) and just run the ball into the pile while not utilizing the weapons at his disposal. I haven't seen anything remotely imaginative from this man and it looks to me like he just dusted off the same playbook Chuck Long left on the table and went from there. Kevin Wilson is not an offensive mind nor was Chuck Long. We need proven commodites at the coordinator positions, not Bob's "buddies".

Just my opinion....

... and your opinion is shot because Kevin Wilson has only been the OC for a year and five games. I don't call a guy you interviewed as a complete stranger (Wilson) a "buddy."

10/1/2007, 09:49 PM

It's not logic that is bothering so many Sooner fans. It's experience.

The increasingly familiar experience of seeing an opponent have an opportunity to drive the field in the closing minutes to win a game.

The increasingly familiar experience of feeling in your gut that OU's defense won't stop the drive.

The increasingly familiar experience of being right. (e.g., last week, Boise State, Oregon, Texas Tech)

10/1/2007, 10:06 PM

It's not logic that is bothering so many Sooner fans. It's experience.

The increasingly familiar experience of seeing an opponent have an opportunity to drive the field in the closing minutes to win a game.

The increasingly familiar experience of feeling in your gut that OU's defense won't stop the drive.

The increasingly familiar experience of being right. (e.g., last week, Boise State, Oregon, Texas Tech)

if you arent nickzepp, your just as dumb, cause noone else would ever use oregon or tech as examples of an OU loss.

10/1/2007, 10:34 PM

It's not logic that is bothering so many Sooner fans. It's experience.

The increasingly familiar experience of seeing an opponent have an opportunity to drive the field in the closing minutes to win a game.

The increasingly familiar experience of feeling in your gut that OU's defense won't stop the drive.

The increasingly familiar experience of being right. (e.g., last week, Boise State, Oregon, Texas Tech)

Proof that logic doesn't exist on message boards.

10/2/2007, 07:03 AM
Micco: Brother, I agree with a lot you said. Many of us have been through an awful lot with our Sooners over the last 40 years or so. We know that championship teams always have games when they just don't have it that day. It's those days that you find out if you are truly a champion, or you are just a really good team. True champions find a way to win, even when you aren't playing well. I could reference 10 or 12 games when we escaped a loss to an inferior team by someone stepping up and refusing to lose. Lately, we seem to be better at finding ways to lose. Do we expect too much? Probably. But it's those times when we've seen it done by Sooner greats that have spoiled us all. Bob has himself told us we should expect thoe things.
In those 14 losses, we have seen the opportunity slip away to have a record that nobody else could have ever achieved. We have seen our teams in past years rise to the occasion, and when they don't, we get frustrated.