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10/1/2007, 12:18 PM
Red River Rivalry, Red River Rivalry, Red River Rivalry. :texan:

Its the Red River Shootout. Its always been the Red River Shootout, and it will always be the Red River Shootout.

I'll bet the Gaylord's are behind this nonsense. ;)

10/1/2007, 12:22 PM
Shootout implicitly gives an advantage to Sooners V Horns.

Opposable thumbs and all ya know......

They needed a more neutral term.

10/1/2007, 12:43 PM
Shootout implys guns. Guns are very very bad. For goodness sake think of the children your influencing.

Beat the hell out of texas. But not with guns.


10/1/2007, 03:13 PM
Maybe they just really really like alliteration.

Animal Mother
10/1/2007, 03:36 PM
Shootout implys guns. Guns are very very bad. For goodness sake think of the children your influencing.

Beat the hell out of texas. But not with guns.


What is wrong with a good old fashion pistol whipping? Think Nicolas Cage and James Gandolfini in "8MM".

10/1/2007, 07:51 PM
But we only shot the flag. And it was an accident I tell ya. :O


10/1/2007, 08:04 PM
Guns are bad, think of the children. Think of the mothers of children. Think of the 40-year old men and don't bedowngrade the tradition.

Red River "Rivalry" makes me wanna puke.

hOlden caUlfield...
10/1/2007, 08:38 PM
one smart fellar, he felt smart
two smart fellars, they felt smart
three smart fellars, they all felt smart

...say that 1 time fast....without reading it.

10/2/2007, 12:04 AM
Removal of gun references from sports has proven to reduce crime in the real world.

Consider the case of the District of Columbia - since the renaming of the Washington Bullets, it has become a land of peace and nonviolence.

10/2/2007, 12:13 AM
One time when I was a student, I heard it referred to as the Red River something else that started with R, and I thought that name was pretty cool, but for the life of me I've never been able to remember what it was.

And I swear, I was under the influence of nothing but Sooner enthusiasm.