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View Full Version : One Possitive outlook on the Loss....

9/29/2007, 08:08 PM
IF OU, LSU, Florida, USC go undefeated, we do not have to worry about OU being undefeated and being left out of the National Championship game because of SOS....I would be more ****ed about that, so now we can continue to improve and still make a BCS Bowl if we buckle down and then dominate with all our returning starters next year....

Here's to OU and all the kids that worked their butts off this year....And here is too them not losing their attitude and love of the game....

Beat Texas.....

9/29/2007, 08:10 PM
Here's hoping Auburn and Washington can pull off what CU and KSU did. A FU or SUC loss would help lessen the blow.

9/29/2007, 09:10 PM
I agree.

Texas getting beat today basically wipes our poorly played loss off the books. We're both 0-1 in conference play, and the winner next week is still in the driver's seat for the Big 12 South championship.

Win in Dallas, take care of business the rest of the season, win in San Antonio against the best of the North, and then go to Tempe 11-1 for a chance of redemption for last year.

What today taught me is that it is a good thing that we will not go to the BCS Championship game this year. The way we played today, USC or LSU would throttle us, and I don't think I could take another whippin' in Jan again.....

Next year, we've got the vast majority of our team back for another run at #8.

And, oh, BTW, I STILL hate instant replay. It didn't cost us the game today - Colorado played better than we did, and deserved the W. I am just tired of getting screwed by some anomymous @sswipe up in the pressbox.....

Boomer, anyway.


Frozen Sooner
9/29/2007, 09:13 PM
Unfortunately, goddamn OSU is in the drivers seat in the South right now. Not only are they 1-0, but they've beaten a division foe that's actually kinda good.

Not sayin' that they'll remain there, but...

9/29/2007, 09:19 PM

Even if Okie State gets by A&M, Nebraska, K State, Texas, and even KU, they come to Norman to play a one loss Sooner team. Best case scenario for the Pokes is that winner of that game the Sat after Thanksgiving wins the South.

I like our chances, even after today.....


9/29/2007, 09:20 PM
OU still controls its own destiny to win the Big 12 South. A lot of teams still do. Really, the only ones that don't are Baylor and Texas Tech.

9/29/2007, 09:21 PM

Even if Okie State gets by A&M, Nebraska, K State, Texas, and even KU, they come to Norman to play a one loss Sooner team. Best case scenario for the Pokes is that winner of that game the Sat after Thanksgiving wins the South.

I like our chances, even after today.....


Also, can Texas win in Stillwater?

9/29/2007, 09:24 PM
Florida is losing and USC is up by a field goal.

Pray to the pigskin gods!!!!

9/29/2007, 09:49 PM
Always better to lose early in the BCS. I don't think we'll see a field of unbeatens at the end of this year, and losing on the road in a close game is much better than losing by 20 at home. Our only issue now is that our strength of schedule blows.