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View Full Version : This Stat made me laugh

9/27/2007, 02:06 PM
109: There are 109 players in Division I-A who currently average more yards per game of total offense than Notre Dame (137 ypg).

There is also some crap in there about Mack being a good coach. Just wanted to warn you before you click


9/27/2007, 02:51 PM
Mack Brown IS a good coach. He just isn't a great one.

9/27/2007, 03:25 PM
Mack Brown IS a good coach. He just isn't a great one.
True dat.

9/27/2007, 04:53 PM
Mack Brown gets Great Recruits, but he is a very mediocre coach....just look at his players prision records.

He has done less with great talent then Norv Turner is doing right now with the Chargers - (no offense to Norv - I like the guy.)

Seriously though, we all know that Texas has great H.S. athletes no mystery there, and as for myself living in South Texas you see it day in and day out, growing up in Texas you are groomed to be a Longhorn. So when he comes knocking on the door the decision is already half way made. BUT what gets me is what he has been able to produce the last 10 years - 1 big XII championship and 1 NC. I will go as far as to say, it WAS NOT his coaching that got them there. It was Vince Young caring the enite team and staff on his shirt tail. If I were a fan I would be frustrated with the production, if I were an up and coming high school athlete I would be very wearing about going to Texas and having my talent squandered by **** poor coaching.

Now for all you Texas fans that are reading this... please, please, please quit wearing the burn orange NC Rose Bowl shirt you bought at your local Walmart. I know it was a big deal and I know you were excited especially since the majority of you in this state jumped on the Mack/Vince bandwagon and started yelling "HOOK EM'" and are now TU Fans, but it has been over a year and in case you didn't know it is a hidden rule that you only wear the shirts when your team is the defending champion. Besides can you all name anyone on the 05 team other then Vince Young?

My apologies, I know this thread wasn't suppose to be about Mack Brown or TU, just needed to get some things off my chest. Hook 'em

Crucifax Autumn
9/27/2007, 10:41 PM
This stat makes me wonder why anyone is still following domer stats.

9/27/2007, 10:46 PM
Mack is an underachiever in some people's eyes, but one thing's for certain... only one other man, a former Sooner has won an MNC there... so I'd say :mack: is doing at least something right. If people want to poke fun at what Stoops and Brown have accomplished from the comfort of their own message boards, maybe they should look back about five years before both arrived on campus.

9/27/2007, 11:08 PM
Mack Brown gets Great Recruits, but he is a very mediocre coach....just look at his players prision records.

He has done less with great talent then Norv Turner is doing right now with the Chargers - (no offense to Norv - I like the guy.)

Seriously though, we all know that Texas has great H.S. athletes no mystery there, and as for myself living in South Texas you see it day in and day out, growing up in Texas you are groomed to be a Longhorn. So when he comes knocking on the door the decision is already half way made. BUT what gets me is what he has been able to produce the last 10 years - 1 big XII championship and 1 NC. I will go as far as to say, it WAS NOT his coaching that got them there. It was Vince Young caring the enite team and staff on his shirt tail. If I were a fan I would be frustrated with the production, if I were an up and coming high school athlete I would be very wearing about going to Texas and having my talent squandered by **** poor coaching.

Now for all you Texas fans that are reading this... please, please, please quit wearing the burn orange NC Rose Bowl shirt you bought at your local Walmart. I know it was a big deal and I know you were excited especially since the majority of you in this state jumped on the Mack/Vince bandwagon and started yelling "HOOK EM'" and are now TU Fans, but it has been over a year and in case you didn't know it is a hidden rule that you only wear the shirts when your team is the defending champion. Besides can you all name anyone on the 05 team other then Vince Young?

My apologies, I know this thread wasn't suppose to be about Mack Brown or TU, just needed to get some things off my chest. Hook 'em

You make some good points, but Mack Brown is 97-22 (.815) with a crystal ball in his case. It's not a fluke. He took Texas out of the poorhouse and established it as a national powerhouse.

Yeah, he's only won 1 CC -- when Vince was mature -- but still, look at his main competition. Stoops isn't your average every-day coach. Bob makes a lot of people look average by comparison. It's much like the Switzer-Osborne rivalry. What would Tom have accomplished in the '70s and '80s had he not been face-to-face with Barry? Same thing with Mack.

He's a great coach. They have a great program. That's why beating them is so big for us....and vice versa. They're the other kid on the block.

And before we get too far ahead of ourselves here, Mack still holds two straight scoreboards over Stoops so.....

We need to win again before starting our gloating victory lap.

9/27/2007, 11:09 PM
oh yeah, sorry for the thread jack too.

The Notre Dame stat is pathetically awesome. :)