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View Full Version : DIRECT TVHD

9/26/2007, 06:26 PM
You guys noticed that they just launched additional HD channels. Check 510 for complete listings. They will add some more by October and before the year ends. Awesome!

9/26/2007, 06:58 PM
*Sigh* they are just trying to catch up to Dish after they bought that oddly named defunct satellite company, I forget the name of it.

Although i'm warming up more and more to D these days now that the programming being offered now is better, and the packages are more diverse.

9/26/2007, 07:09 PM
http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/2426/stephanieabramsan4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
By soonerboi (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/soonerboi)

Looks even hotter in HD...:D

9/26/2007, 07:54 PM
You talkin' about StarzHD, TMCHD, etc?

We even got VS in HD . . . cool.

9/26/2007, 08:02 PM
Since i'm a racing fan, I wonder if anyone has tried the Nascar HotPass?
I know the NFL games are great in HD, but some of the stuff that wasn't shot in HD quality(such as some older movies)and are being shown on HD channels doesn't make much sense.

Example, when I worked for 'em, we were on lunch watching "Duel" in HD...we kinda looked at each other like WTF?

9/26/2007, 08:55 PM
*Sigh* they are just trying to catch up to Dish after they bought that oddly named defunct satellite company, I forget the name of it.
Vooom - a bunch of channels that most people only watched because they were in HD.

Since i'm a racing fan, I wonder if anyone has tried the Nascar HotPass?
Not much of a Nascar fan, but I did play around with it on the second TV when they had the free weekend. I could see if you are a Nascar fan or of a particular driver then I could see the benefit. I use some of the NFL and MLB Superfan stuff and it is nice.

9/26/2007, 09:43 PM
Nascar Hot pass wasn't worth it to me and I love Sunda ticket and Gameplan. It just shows three screens and you can switch from driver audio(which they hardly ever talk) to the real race, to in-car cameras. I guess its cool that you can switch them, but I usually watch the regular race. Also they only have 5 drivers to choose from every given week so most the time it's two announcers talking about a driver you don't care about.

I would pick it up for the last 10 chase races for 20 bucks though.