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View Full Version : Nebraska players/fans turning on each other

9/24/2007, 10:57 AM
From the DMN.

Allowing 49 points a week earlier to No. 1 Southern Cal was one thing. But Cornhuskers fans roundly booed their team Saturday as it allowed 40 points and more than 600 yards in a one-point victory over Ball State, which hasn't had a winning season since 1996. Coach Bill Callahan acknowledged that his defense has to get better. Players weren't as diplomatic about the fans' reaction. "If they don't like it," senior linebacker Steve Octavien said, "they don't have to come and watch the game."

9/24/2007, 10:59 AM
That will happen when the defense can't figure out that they aren't playing to hand touch.

9/24/2007, 11:01 AM
I would laugh hilariously if the stands were empty for the next game. Seriously, you don't say stuff like that. Where does he think the money for his scholarship comes from? Fans and donors.

9/24/2007, 11:11 AM
F-ing hillbillies!

no where are those POP guns

9/24/2007, 11:11 AM
Turn on the fans? Wow. you hardly see that at any school, much less a Nebraska. I expect he will make a formal apology.

9/24/2007, 11:24 AM
I know an experienced DC who might be available starting this week.

9/24/2007, 11:31 AM
"If they don't like it," senior linebacker Navin Johnson said, "they don't have to come and watch the game."

I don't need you. I don't need anything.....except this paddleball game......and this remote control....


The Maestro
9/24/2007, 11:37 AM
I'm surprised that USC's fans aren't turning on each other since Ball State gained 153 more yards of offense on Nebraska than USC did. Everyone thought USC's offense was so great for getting 457 yards...until Ball State got 610. Maybe Nebraska's defense sucks...no matter who they are playing.

9/24/2007, 11:38 AM
Well, I gotta say - this makes USC seem a lot less impressive.

Texas Golfer
9/24/2007, 11:45 AM
Allowing 49 points a week earlier to No. 1 Southern Cal was one thing. But Cornhuskers fans roundly booed their team Saturday as it allowed 40 points and more than 600 yards in a one-point victory over Ball State, which hasn't had a winning season since 1996. Coach Bill Callahan acknowledged that his defense has to get better. Players weren't as diplomatic about the fans' reaction. "If they don't like it," senior linebacker Steve Octavien said, "they don't have to come and watch the game."

I'm wondering how long it will be until we see a forced public apology for this remark.

9/24/2007, 11:53 AM
I'm wondering how long it will be until we see a forced public apology for this remark.
It doesn't really bother me...Octavien is one of two guys on our D that plays his *** off and I don't blame him for taking is personally. He didn't deserve the boos (nor did Bowman or Suh), but the rest of the D earned it.

Scott D
9/24/2007, 11:54 AM
I'm wondering how long it will be until we see a forced public apology for this remark.

if you expect one from their head coach, you won't. It took an act of the conference offices for him to even admit he did the "throat slash" despite it being splashed all over the innerweb.

Scott D
9/24/2007, 11:55 AM
It doesn't really bother me...Octavien is one of two guys on our D that plays his *** off and I don't blame him for taking is personally. He didn't deserve the boos, but the rest of the D did.

nah the players don't deserve the boos. Now whoever came up with the Nebraska "Ole!" defense should get booed. ;)

Sooner in Tampa
9/24/2007, 11:56 AM
Yet another sign in the decline of this program under Callenburgers leadership.

9/24/2007, 11:58 AM
nah the players don't deserve the boos
I don't mean "deserve" literally...poor choice of words. Booing is bush league, unless you're booing a ref, some jackhole coach's sideline antics, or a blatant display of poor sportsmanship.

I'm saying, however, that they're earning the negative attention they're receiving.

9/24/2007, 12:34 PM
This guy may be playing his a** off, but he's got sh** for brains when it comes to class and team leadership ability. And as much as I admire playing your a** off if you're missing those two other components playing your a** off means exactly dick to the team as a whole.

9/24/2007, 12:49 PM
It is NEVER OK for players to tell their own fans to stay home.....I would suspend the guy.....I don't care if he is Adrian Peterson.....you simply NEVER do that........That is 10 steps across the line.....

9/24/2007, 12:51 PM
The way he should have handled was to single out a female fan and scream her down in front of some cameras. Then he would have been a hero around here.

Sooner Among The Pack
9/24/2007, 12:56 PM
The way he should have handled was to single out a female fan and scream her down in front of some cameras. Then he would have been a hero around here.

Would that be ok if she was a mother...of children?

9/24/2007, 12:58 PM
Would that be ok if she was a mother...of children?

She'd know better, then. He'd have to find the mothers without the children.

9/24/2007, 01:00 PM
My wife jokingly asked after Ball State, did the coaches take back all the black shirts and pass out white t-shirts? Perhaps they could ship those unused black shirts to osu...

9/24/2007, 01:02 PM
Anything that accelerates the firing of Callahan is good for Nebraska players AND fans.

I heartily approve.

9/24/2007, 01:56 PM
callanberger has to go. he's terrible for nebraska and terrible for the conference.

nebraska deserves better than that.

Leroy Lizard
9/24/2007, 04:04 PM
Just because you are on scholarship doesn't mean you have to take verbal abuse. I think the player has a right to blast back at the fans. If the fans can dish it out, they should be able to take it as well.

Besides, his comment was hardly nasty.

9/24/2007, 04:16 PM
The way he should have handled was to single out a female fan and scream her down in front of some cameras. Then he would have been a hero around here.
Comedy gold.

9/24/2007, 04:21 PM
Maybe Nebraska's defense sucks...
Ya think? :D

9/24/2007, 04:35 PM

Sorry, Dan Hawkins has gottahold of me.