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9/23/2007, 03:06 PM
I've seen plenty of folks speak their peace on this now...

Lets just make it a poll...

Newbomb Turk
9/23/2007, 03:07 PM
So what is the question?

Partial Qualifier
9/23/2007, 03:08 PM
worst pole ever ;)

9/23/2007, 03:13 PM
How do you like me now....:D

Newbomb Turk
9/23/2007, 03:18 PM
How do you like me now....:D

make it a pole.


Newbomb Turk
9/23/2007, 03:20 PM
I'm glad I could vote for multiple things.

9/23/2007, 03:44 PM
He did the right thing... no need to hammer a kid when he is down. And, I did say kid!

9/23/2007, 03:47 PM
I'm glad I could vote for multiple things.

I concur! :D

9/23/2007, 03:48 PM
He did the right thing... no need to hammer a kid when he is down. And, I did say kid!
Then vote.

Without your vote Gumby won't sleep.

9/23/2007, 04:44 PM
we need more options

oh, and it needs to be a sticky

King Crimson
9/23/2007, 04:59 PM
make it a pole.



Texas Golfer
9/23/2007, 05:00 PM
I'm glad I could vote for multiple things.

I am, too.

9/23/2007, 05:08 PM
Gundy outta get mad at the PR department for writing false accusations about OSU's offense too.

9/23/2007, 05:31 PM
So was her opinion garbage when she picked them to win?

9/23/2007, 06:21 PM
So was her opinion garbage when she picked them to win?
Hell no, she was "the only knowledgeable sports writer at the DO" when she was the only one that picked them to beat UGA.

Lipton Tea Bags
9/23/2007, 06:44 PM
I think Gundy took it too far.

9/23/2007, 07:05 PM
I voted for 82% of the above responses. ;)

9/23/2007, 07:46 PM
Man, those are some Dean Blevins percentages up there!

9/23/2007, 08:55 PM
He gave it to a woman didn't he. Just like and AGGIE to go after a defensless female. Add his name to the POKES who have abused women this year.

9/23/2007, 09:35 PM
I clicked all except "genius" and "good father figure" :D

9/23/2007, 10:06 PM
I always forget about the multiple answer possibility. :(

9/23/2007, 11:02 PM

lech spek.

9/23/2007, 11:41 PM
After Gundy goes off, maybe next move should be out

Dennis Dodd Sep. 23, 2007
By Dennis Dodd
CBSSports.com Senior Writer
Tell Dennis your opinion!

Mike Gundy needs to be reprimanded, definitely suspended, probably fined and maybe fired. http://www.sportsline.com/print/collegefootball/story/10368451

If you missed the Oklahoma State coach's outburst Saturday, you missed the mother of all meltdowns. At least the mother of all meltdowns over something as common as a columnist's opinion.

Mike Gundy has a 13-15 record since taking over at Oklahoma State in 2005. (US Presswire)
Mike Gundy has a 13-15 record since taking over at Oklahoma State in 2005. (US Presswire)
Coaches usually reserve their tirades for more important things like fumbles, arrests or their own marital problems. Even then, most coaches have the decency to do their yelling behind closed doors.

Okie State's third-year coach verbally attacked a woman, a journalist and degraded his profession after Saturday's win over Texas Tech. Jenni Carlson, a columnist for the Daily Oklahoman, wrote a fair and balanced column Saturday regarding quarterback Bobby Reid. Typical of his coaching style, Gundy had replaced Reid as starter before the Sept. 13 game against Troy without explanation. As is her job in that situation, Carlson tried to explain why Reid lost his job in her column.

Try reading it and then tell me what is unfair, or personal. First, you have to understand that this is not the first time Gundy has overreacted. As immediate past president of the Football Writers Association of the America, I wrote him last year regarding media access. There pretty much wasn't any at a program that still fails to realize it lives in a huge shadow in its own state (ever hear of Oklahoma?) and is an afterthought in the national conversation. So for Gundy to attack Carlson for not knowing what's going on, well, that's Hypocrisy 101. Like a lot of his colleagues, Gundy wants it both ways. He wants his super-secret, sacrosanct program to be accountable to no one.

And then he whines when someone dares pull the curtain back to take a peek.

So far, though, the approach has worked for him and his enablers in Stillwater. For everyone else, Gundy is a 13-15 coach at a program that no one outside his clandestine world cares about.

He hides his players -- whose scholarships are paid for by tax dollars and contributions -- and then criticizes when journalists try to do their jobs.

In a way, this is an indictment of readers and fans in Oklahoma. They should demand more of a coach whose credibility so far has ended at the football field where he was a successful quarterback for the Cowboys. Certainly he has less than the man he replaced, Les Miles.

The players are public figures, Mike, just like you are. You, though, are more public than most. You are the benefactor of a $165 million gift from Okie State sugar daddy T. Boone Pickens. Oklahoma State is getting great facilities but not the wins that are expected to follow them.

Or maybe that's the media's fault.

Gundy needs to be penalized, because the Big 12 office should not let this pass. The league was still gathering information Sunday. The column and outburst were quickly passed along to commissioner Dan Beebe.

No matter what the outcome, the coach shamed the league and his profession.

On the surface, Gundy's screamfest resembled an amateur Bobby Knight. The Dark Knight typically saves his worst vitriol after victories to give them more credibility. Former commissioner Kevin Weiberg handled Knight as if the coach was his superior, rather than Knight being accountable for his actions.

This time there is a new commissioner who, judging by his demeanor, isn't going to let something like this stain the Big 12's name. Beebe is a 50-year-old former athlete and experienced commissioner with a law degree. He knows crap when he sees it. Especially since, at last check, Gundy has a few fewer national championships than Knight to back him up.

But the Big 12 bylaws don't cover this kind of conduct, which kind of explains Knight and Gundy. It's up to the schools, which means the enablers continue to rule.

This is what is never going to change, Mike: We're going to write our opinions because this is America. Free press and all that. You might not agree, but when you don't, for your career's sake, keep it to yourself.

For the rest of the season, maybe that entire career, this is going to be an issue with you. The hot-head coach who can't take fair criticism.

Maybe recruits will love it. And maybe their parents will want them to be in a program where the coach is more level-headed.

We have the pen, always, Mike. You have a job, for now.

9/24/2007, 01:47 AM
If Gundy gets fined or punished for this... maybe the OSU fans will get a little taste of what Stoops goes through after every press conference and especially after the NCAA fiasco. Sometimes you do the right thing and it comes back to bite you on the ***.

9/24/2007, 04:19 AM
hooray multiple choicie....

9/24/2007, 05:51 AM
Dennis Dodd....


I'm sure that will help his "Access"....LMAO....

9/24/2007, 08:46 AM
Most of Dodd's article was just whining because Gundy dared to question a member of the media, but he was spot on about Weiberg being Knight's ho.

Texas Golfer
9/24/2007, 11:28 AM
Wow. A journalist defending a journalist. Surprising.

Dodd said the article was fair and balanced. Apparently, he didn't read the article. There was nothing fair nor balanced about it. Jenni never quoted a source. She relied, by her own words, on "rumors". She added speculations as well.

I think Gundy saw the opportunity to rally the troops by over-exaggerating the situation.

9/24/2007, 01:28 PM
Gumby an jenni sittin in a tree

9/24/2007, 02:39 PM
does anybody have a copy of Carlson's article? i'm overseas and can't access it.


9/24/2007, 06:03 PM
does anybody have a copy of Carlson's article? i'm overseas and can't access it.


By Jenni Carlson
The Oklahoman
STILLWATER — Bobby Reid stood near the team charters last Friday night, using his cell phone, eating his boxed meal.

Click Here

It would've been normal post-game activity but for one thing.

His mother was feeding him chicken.

Which brings us to the quarterback switch-a-roo at Oklahoma State.

Don't see the connection?

Let me explain. Cowboy coaches have gone full-speed ahead with the Zac Attack, opting to start Robinson over Reid a week ago, then sticking with him against Texas Tech today even after an embarrassing loss at Troy. Weren't we being told just last week that Reid was still the guy? All the weight with which Cowboy coaches were backing Reid has totally shifted to Robinson.

The change seems sudden.

Thing is, it may not be as abrupt as it looks. If you believe the rumors and the rumblings, Reid has been pushing coaches that way for quite some time.

Tile up the back stories told on the sly over the past few years, and you see a pattern that hasn't always been pretty.

Word is that Reid has considered transferring a couple different times, the first as early as 2005. Reid, then a redshirt freshman, was facing competition from returner Donovan Woods, and apparently, Reid considered leaving OSU just because he had to compete for the spot.

Reid's nerves have also been an issue. Earlier this year, he told our Andrea Cohen about his game-day emotions.

"I get sweaty palms. I get the butterflies in my stomach. I sweat lot,” he said then. "I've been playing this game for 15 years. And I can honestly say every game I've played in, I've been nervous. It's not so much me being scared; I just get to a point where I start worrying about a lot of things I can't control.”

A lot of guys get nervous, some even puke before games. How you handle the nerves is important, though, and Reid hasn't always managed them well. He has gotten off to some extremely slow starts, putting the Cowboys in some holes. Some, they dug out of, with Reid often wielding the biggest shovel, and some, they couldn't.

Then, there have been the injuries. No doubt some of Reid's ailments have been severe, including an injured shoulder that required surgery and forced him to redshirt. Other times, though, Reid has been nicked in games and sat it out instead of gutting it out.

Injuries are tricky, of course. You don't want a guy to put himself in harm's way if he's really hurt, and yet, football is one of those sports in which everyone plays hurt. Aches and pains, bumps and bruises are part of the gig.

Reid's injury against Florida Atlantic — whatever it was — appeared minor but just might have been the thing that pushed Cowboy coaches over the edge. Even though Mike Gundy said last week that Robinson got the nod because he had the better week of practice, insiders say that the coaches decided to bench Reid early in the week. The bottom line: The switch is less about Robinson's play and more about Reid's attitude.

"The coaches made a decision,” Reid told our Mike Baldwin after the Troy game. "I just have to go with it, get better and get back on the field.”

There's something to be said for not being a malcontent, but you can almost see Reid shrugging his shoulders as he says those words. Does he have the fire in his belly?

Or does he want to be coddled, babied, perhaps even fed chicken?

That scene in the parking lot last week had no bearing on the Cowboys changing quarterbacks, and yet, it said so much about Reid. A 21-year-old letting his mother feed him in public? Most college kids, much less college football players, would just as soon be seen running naked across campus.

And what of the scene television cameras captured earlier that evening of Reid on the sidelines laughing with assistant strength coach Trumain Carroll? The same cameras showed him throwing his cap in disgust after a missed play earlier, but to be laughing in the final minutes of an embarrassing loss is bad form.

Reid is the most talented quarterback in Payne County, but he hasn't proven that he's the toughest. If you listen to the rumblings and the rumors, Cowboy coaches simply grew weary of it.

Who knows? There might come a day when they grow tired of something Robinson does, but for now, they appear willing to sacrifice a bit of talent for a lot of grit.

SoFla Sooner
9/24/2007, 06:16 PM
The radio talk shows in South Florida (and probably every where else) are having a field day with him right now. I would say the Jerry Springer description best captures his tirade for the way it is being viewed by most of the country.

9/24/2007, 06:21 PM

9/24/2007, 06:30 PM
The radio talk shows in South Florida (and probably every where else) are having a field day with him right now. I would say the Jerry Springer description best captures his tirade for the way it is being viewed by most of the country.

It would've been awesome if the rest of the press would've started chanting "GUN-DY, GUN-DY" and then a bell would've rung and Carlson would've stormed the stage and gotten into a fight with Gundy. Then T. Boone would've come out at the end to give his final thoughts.

Wow, I know way too much about the Springer show. :stunned:

9/24/2007, 06:33 PM
someone should send this to jon stewart and the daily show.

9/24/2007, 07:13 PM
He did the right thing... no need to hammer a kid when he is down. And, I did say kid!
Kid huh- well, he's old enough to go to Iraq and be shot at.

9/24/2007, 07:24 PM
O V E R LO O O K E D! At the time Gundy acted an a$$ he should have focused on his teams exciting hang on victory, but no he choose to get down in the gutter with Carlson because he apparently thought her piece was gutter crap therefore he joins her there by behaving like what he so dispised- gutter crap= hypocrite! It's became about Gundy & Carlson not his teams win.
But, hey the order of the day all to much anymore in this country is revenge and rudeness therefore I have the right to in anyway I want call you out , smack you down you pi$$ ant. Now I'm ready to hear the cheering for they got what they deserve, because I don't want to do it a fashion thats professional and creative yet get the point accross. Jeeze!

9/24/2007, 07:25 PM
I bet his momma feeds him beer through a playtex nipple...;)

9/24/2007, 10:31 PM
Reading Jenni's article confirms my initial suspicion:

Gundy is a freakshow, completely unprofessional, and should be heavily fined for his idiotic tirade. I can't believe 75 people think he "was right to speak out but took it too far". OK, maybe the comments about Bobby Reid's mom were going a bit far, but nothing in the entire rest of that article was out of line.

The "right thing to do" would have been to let Bobby answer on his own "hey, I was busy and my mom was worried that I don't eat enough. If your mom was coming at you with some chicken what would you do? I was hungry." Gundy's tirade was just stupid.

9/24/2007, 11:24 PM
Reading Jenni's article confirms my initial suspicion:

Gundy is a freakshow, completely unprofessional, and should be heavily fined for his idiotic tirade. I can't believe 75 people think he "was right to speak out but took it too far". OK, maybe the comments about Bobby Reid's mom were going a bit far, but nothing in the entire rest of that article was out of line.

The "right thing to do" would have been to let Bobby answer on his own "hey, I was busy and my mom was worried that I don't eat enough. If your mom was coming at you with some chicken what would you do? I was hungry." Gundy's tirade was just stupid.

Who is going to fine him, this is not the NFL, college coaches do not get fined...

9/24/2007, 11:26 PM
In the end, who cares about the tards to the north? Gundy could throw a tirade after every game this season and it will change jack squat in the end. They'll still be riding the short bus to mediocrity like they always have.

They can't buy their way to success, they can't cry their way to success, they're the effing pokes.

9/25/2007, 07:24 PM
Rush Limbaugh was using Gumby's sound bite on his show today...

He used Mike as a sounding board for those of us who feel we can't stand up to the drive-by media....

Rush actually painted Gumby and the folks of our State in a pretty good light IMO....

Jenni carlson....not so much.

Jason White's Third Knee
9/26/2007, 09:39 AM
So many right answers...

9/26/2007, 12:25 PM
Who is going to fine him, this is not the NFL, college coaches do not get fined...

I will!

$1,000,000.00 fine for being an aggie. Check payable to TheUnnamedSooner.

You're welcome.

9/26/2007, 07:30 PM
So "TheUnnamedSooner" is your legal name? :D

9/26/2007, 10:57 PM
My caption for the whole incident:

How not to dispel controversy over a quarterback change.

I do feel sorry for the kid, though. Thanks to Gumby, he goes from being the fall guy in the eyes of a few to being the world's most famous mama's boy.