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  1. I golfed for the first time in my life yesterday (20 replies)
  2. The OBNDD... (14 replies)
  3. One step closer to lower airfares out of Dallas (23 replies)
  4. hAdPea BIRFdae dolemite (25 replies)
  5. Its rainin' in Tulsa (12 replies)
  6. Good Morning...Big fight near Boston (6 replies)
  7. Isn't it wonderful when your international reputation for trustworthiness... (8 replies)
  8. oops (1 replies)
  9. BAYLOR BLOWS (2 replies)
  10. I'm so money (7 replies)
  11. Mongo did you kill (5 replies)
  12. This is Pure Greatness! (2 replies)
  13. Nacho Libre (43 replies)
  14. Finally got around to watching the Clone Wars cartoons (17 replies)
  15. N.Y. judge issues warrant for Boy George (4 replies)
  16. Of to SMASHED *** TOWN..... (25 replies)
  17. I feel like a new man (19 replies)
  18. KEANE (8 replies)
  19. Drunkytown - anybody? (36 replies)
  20. Y'all better hurry and get your Tommy Emmanuel tickets (4 replies)
  21. VK and JB...and mebbe Boarder too :D (7 replies)
  22. Taylor Hicks to perform with... (5 replies)
  23. How come Sunday... (15 replies)
  24. Tobacco hornworms (16 replies)
  25. Speaking of race card players... (10 replies)
  26. Octavian (1 replies)
  27. Anybody watch Cheaters? (9 replies)
  28. Ten Draughts to Ponder (52 replies)
  29. I didn't like The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada (12 replies)
  30. Ten Thoughts to Ponder (3 replies)
  31. New movies to DVD (8 replies)
  32. Hey 1tc (5 replies)
  33. Who is that gaucho amigo... (3 replies)
  34. Whooohoooo! (20 replies)
  35. Culver's Concrete Mixers RMFO (1 replies)
  36. What clowns are you doing this weekend? (10 replies)
  37. Things You Shouldn't Have at Your Basketball Camp For Kids (11 replies)
  38. Headin' back to Seattle for a few (7 replies)
  39. Secrets of Lost Canyon and Other Archeology Videos (13 replies)
  40. Ceramic floor tile replacement (10 replies)
  41. Slick, I hear thunder (3 replies)
  42. What are you clowns doing this weekend? (36 replies)
  43. Hey Boarder.... (2 replies)
  44. Hey Slickdawg.......... (4 replies)
  45. Would you hit Ann Coulter? (37 replies)
  46. RUDY meets RUDY (19 replies)
  47. T. Boone's son in a little bit of a tight spot (2 replies)
  48. Rep. Jefferson plays the race card (22 replies)
  49. Men summer fashion (or lack thereof) (25 replies)
  50. Tuner card (20 replies)
  51. Aloha! (3 replies)
  52. Nagafuki Surprise! (3 replies)
  53. Rollin' With Saget (30 replies)
  54. Steelers release cover of 2006 media guide (16 replies)
  55. 2007 Wranglers (1 replies)
  56. I have to avoid repetitive motion with my arm! (0 replies)
  57. 2007 Wranglers (13 replies)
  58. haven't seen any outrage over the latest example of judicial activism. what gives?? (190 replies)
  59. Motorcycle accidents..... (18 replies)
  60. Is Tulsa really better than OKC?? (140 replies)
  61. Real Life Heros (1 replies)
  62. Good Morning...Does this spacesuit make me look fat? (6 replies)
  63. Melo (40 replies)
  64. Ya Ever... (2 replies)
  65. Woody Fire in Atlanta (0 replies)
  66. Can we get an Ann Coulter folder? (1 replies)
  67. Who's agitatin' my dots? (4 replies)
  68. I'm a conservative and I hate Ann Coulter (23 replies)
  70. Your money is riding around in this? (7 replies)
  71. HP Is Teh Succ (20 replies)
  72. Britney Spears interview (24 replies)
  73. HEY KIDS! (4 replies)
  74. GO MAVS! (38 replies)
  75. NOLA: Back to normal (12 replies)
  76. Gameshow Marathon (11 replies)
  77. Wine (3 replies)
  78. Shishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (2 replies)
  79. Other than Sammy Davis Junior, (18 replies)
  80. Happy Birthday VK? (31 replies)
  81. 2007 Wrangler (31 replies)
  82. Congress may do something right for a change (11 replies)
  83. Awww (14 replies)
  84. Bill Gates stepping aside as chairman of Microsoft (9 replies)
  85. I just busted a coworker (10 replies)
  86. Ann Coulter GAINS NEW FANS on Leno (171 replies)
  87. Heh (0 replies)
  88. Hey Yermom (17 replies)
  89. Princess Leia is still hawt (14 replies)
  90. 911. What the emergency? (0 replies)
  91. Casa D'Ice (9 replies)
  92. RMF / f'n hillbilly (10 replies)
  93. you don't see this everyday...wow. (9 replies)
  94. Ask the Magic 8 Ball (11 replies)
  95. SMU or TCU for an MBA? (36 replies)
  96. Woody Fire in Flagstaff (14 replies)
  97. i miss my brain (0 replies)
  98. Dear neighbor with the spotlight, (36 replies)
  99. Spider-man outs himself to the press (21 replies)
  100. Captured Al Qaeda Memo From Iraq Released (4 replies)
  101. Nonna's (8 replies)
  102. My Pi pizza back in OKC (100 replies)
  103. This Is a Stupid Thread (30 replies)
  104. Superpowers (27 replies)
  105. My Goodness... (13 replies)
  106. iTunes question (22 replies)
  107. Car Stereos - Music System ? (20 replies)
  108. Is it too early... (5 replies)
  109. What in the world is this??? (52 replies)
  110. Just bought my first house... (11 replies)
  111. Prepping spare ribs for smoking-kinda (121 replies)
  112. what's this latest scoop on Jimmy Stewart? (20 replies)
  113. The Open looks like it could get really ugly for some (552 replies)
  114. So You Think You Can Dance (13 replies)
  115. Good Morning...Depression-era crook with an Okie connection (13 replies)
  116. How "out-of-touch" is my dad? (22 replies)
  117. MY Messico experience (41 replies)
  118. Hey Brat (20 replies)
  119. Dear World Cup, (39 replies)
  120. Relative Birthdays (7 replies)
  121. I have a fly in my apartment (25 replies)
  122. Bush speech (u2) (1 replies)
  123. The Pickler (29 replies)
  124. Gnarls Barkley (15 replies)
  125. Consolidate your debt, NOW!!!! (6 replies)
  126. Luis Jimenez, creator of "Mesteno" dies (3 replies)
  127. So my mom's been diagnosed with breast cancer (81 replies)
  128. Dear Howzit (0 replies)
  129. The Proposition (3 replies)
  130. Dear 1tc (7 replies)
  131. A Warning to Pat from Pat.... (4 replies)
  132. ukraine futbol (6 replies)
  133. What is this "World Cup" I keep hearing about? (22 replies)
  134. I'm calling out whatever Moderator... (4 replies)
  135. People with a first name for a last name (22 replies)
  136. Old School Pistons Fans (14 replies)
  137. Balki becomes as mason (6 replies)
  138. I Miss Fro's (14 replies)
  139. I miss Fonz (12 replies)
  140. Anyone else miss Fonz? (2 replies)
  141. I miss Fonz (1 replies)
  142. Sooner Caravan event in bevo's backyard (4 replies)
  143. rowing serrano, off coast of peru/chile (23 replies)
  144. This is our judicial system (1 replies)
  145. Scientology...who knew? (5 replies)
  146. I'm Buying My Next Cabinet at Home Depot (2 replies)
  147. Tonsilhockey (12 replies)
  148. Apperantly my dog had KFC last night (31 replies)
  149. Anybody else play Goldeneye on N64 back in the day? (9 replies)
  150. I miss Fonz (5 replies)
  151. Growing serrano and jalapeno peppers/chiles (12 replies)
  152. I miss fawns. (4 replies)
  153. rivals.com: Video - Mike Hunt working Hard (4 replies)
  154. Tonsilectomy (10 replies)
  155. Earth on the Scrum (1 replies)
  156. Pay off the national debt instantly? (28 replies)
  157. Just keeps getting better... (5 replies)
  158. I miss Fronds (0 replies)
  159. I miss korea (2 replies)
  160. I miss Fonz. (7 replies)
  161. I'm still a broad (1 replies)
  162. I miss Froz. (104 replies)
  163. You just can't make headlines like this up (4 replies)
  164. Main/Corporate Offices (14 replies)
  165. Headed to Vegas through Chicago tomorrow (17 replies)
  166. Zarqawi's wife was 16? (7 replies)
  167. ugh (17 replies)
  168. Father's Day gift ideas (18 replies)
  169. Headed to Vegas tomorrow (16 replies)
  170. Stacey Dales-Schumman (37 replies)
  171. Chicago advice (22 replies)
  172. Office Pranks (1 replies)
  173. Rave (5 replies)
  174. Good Morning...America at war on Flag Day. (1 replies)
  175. Scum of the Earth (39 replies)
  176. So I apparently I lived in Stillwater (4 replies)
  177. i'm hungry (17 replies)
  178. best director of all time (63 replies)
  179. Mentos and coke (27 replies)
  180. Before and After (25 replies)
  181. Bachelor weekend coming up (13 replies)
  182. last comic standing.... (5 replies)
  183. whats up with me and women of the same age? (6 replies)
  184. HEY HOMEY, and the rest of you lovers of history and "aeroplanes" (12 replies)
  185. The Economist (5 replies)
  186. I am A TRANSFORMER!!!!!! (14 replies)
  187. It's still broad (42 replies)
  188. Constitution or Declaration of Ind copies... (11 replies)
  189. al bundy (22 replies)
  190. TP... "over" or "under"? (24 replies)
  191. Matt Lauer: The Britney Interview (15 replies)
  192. Glad to see our representatives (16 replies)
  193. Official World Cup Scorekeeping (5 replies)
  194. there's a domino tournament on (17 replies)
  195. Coffee may increase risk of stankie halitosis (7 replies)
  196. question for those who believe in heaven/hell (139 replies)
  197. Having an MRI done (21 replies)
  198. To: All Email Users (43 replies)
  199. Screech Powers has some assests, some liabilities (2 replies)
  200. I've found God, says man who cracked my front yard Gnome (2 replies)
  201. Have no fear Dolemite is here!!!!!!!! (13 replies)
  202. Hey meth/narcotics wizards (8 replies)
  203. Hey math/statistics wizards (11 replies)
  204. What Pics Do You Want to See from Mexico, Part II (56 replies)
  205. 36-24-36 (20 replies)
  206. This happened to my brother's wife's cousin! (4 replies)
  207. Polar bears eating each other... (13 replies)
  208. Coming Soon !!! (17 replies)
  209. So we watched the remake of The Fog last night... (10 replies)
  210. Any advice about buying an external storage drive (20 replies)
  211. Gridiron Gang (0 replies)
  212. VH1 Classic reminded me of something (30 replies)
  213. Is anybody else getting sent to this motivational thing at the Ford Center Tomorrow? (40 replies)
  214. Hey, i won the lottery!!! (11 replies)
  215. Hey Picasso (0 replies)
  216. Bush is in Iraq.. (57 replies)
  217. The Time is the greatest American Funk band EVAR. (31 replies)
  218. ESA To sue Oklahoma (0 replies)
  219. Misc. Taxes (hotels, rental cars, etc.) (19 replies)
  220. DEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (18 replies)
  221. Pooper Scooper beatdown (3 replies)
  222. I’ve found God, says man who cracked the genome (37 replies)
  223. It's US Open Week!!!! (18 replies)
  224. Tourgasm (12 replies)
  225. President of North Dakota U rips the NCAA a new one... (25 replies)
  226. Wow, this is some incompetent city gov't (5 replies)
  227. Coffee may reduce risk of alcoholic cirrhosis (9 replies)
  228. Rove will not be charged. (26 replies)
  229. Interview Follow-up Advice (27 replies)
  230. The Older Woman. . . (25 replies)
  231. Good Morning..."You have the right to remain silent" (2 replies)
  232. New ringtone out that adult's can't hear (5 replies)
  233. Can't sleep cheaters on tv (11 replies)
  234. Star search is cool again (11 replies)
  235. Whats up with me and older guys?! (128 replies)
  236. I'm on a Classic Country Kick (39 replies)
  237. Is anyone else here a fan of Francis Fukuyama? (20 replies)
  238. i AM IN A GOOD MOOD (20 replies)
  239. 2000 (32 replies)
  240. Critical Legal Question (347 replies)
  241. Hideaway Pizza (27 replies)
  242. Picture Opening Software ******-*******s... (4 replies)
  243. Hey GHP!!! (10 replies)
  244. Starches are cool again (37 replies)
  245. Rice diet noah******s (2 replies)
  246. What Is Your Body Mass Index? (25 replies)
  247. Bob Saget (14 replies)
  248. For all those criticizing the World Cup (148 replies)
  249. I had a weird dream abotu dean if you want to read....... (1 replies)
  250. I now have 0 friends on Myspace (21 replies)